Novavax and the French-Austrian manufacturer Valneva

The new Covid jabs made by Novavax and the French-Austrian manufacturer Valneva are typically characterised as a Totimpfstoff, or “dead vaccine”, even though experts say the term is not scientifically accurate.

The Nuvaxovid vaccine is more accurately described as a protein vaccine, which in contrast to classical vaccines is genetically produced and contains minuscule particles from a version of the virus’s spike protein grown in moth cells in the laboratory that prompt the formation of antibodies in an individual. Valneva, which is still waiting for approval, is made up of Covid-19 virus that has been deactivated and cannot reproduce.

Both vaccines require the addition of a so-called proprietary adjuvant to boost the recipient’s immune response to them.

In a survey by the German pollster Forsa this autumn, 56% of participants said their vaccine willingness would rise if vaccines based on so-called “classical methods”, such as Novavax and Valneva, were approved. Only 5% said they would be lured to have a vaccination by monetary reward or the threat of being excluded from activities as a result of their unvaccinated status.

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