Tay Chi Keng's best ever stock analysis video...

By now you should know he only analyse one stock on his now  famous YouTube channel - Alibaba. In fact he is known worldwide from his videos.

Unlike previous where he blames Alibaba's falling stock price on investors fear of either Xi or Chinese regulators or YS delisting, he takes a cold hard look at Aibaba's earnings and he does so meticulously and covers the good the bad and ugly without missing anything.

We can sunmarise Alibaba as follows ...it has core earnungs $8 per share, cash and investment assets....going ahead it has about 10% growth per annum. 

It will get back above $100 soon. Once green shoots apear in China's economy, it will go back up to $150.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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