Teen Incurs S$9,000 Data Roaming Charges From Texting While Travelling

Teen Incurs S$9,000 Data Roaming Charges From Texting While Travelling, M1 Offers One-Time Waiver 📱

The teen had unknowingly activated the data roaming feature and incurred the bills after texting his family.

👉 https://tsl.to/dataroaming


I find it ridiculous M1 can legally overcharge it customers and IMDA dies nothing.

CASE does nothing.

Govt does nothing.

In the end after much back and forth M1 charge her $500. 

Even $100 is absurdly expensive for text messages.

[Image: JIQKQfj.jpg]

This is pure overcharging. And preying on innocent customers.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Bring M1 to court

This teenager is not very bright...find a place with WiFi to whatsapp lah.
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