Terry Xu : Dangers of abuse of proposed FICA law

No developed country has such a law in  the same form where a minister can just decide person is a criminal.

We already have the POFMA - if person is agent for foreign govt and spreading falsehoods...the govt already has power to remove falsehoods.

Now the power to remove facts and opinions by declaring person voicing out is operating through foreigner interference...such a law can be abused by a govt to silence critics easily as it does not need independent judge and proof to be used.


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

I am signing the petition. Such laws removes the check and balance in the system. In the end it can be a easy convenient tool for a govt tool to suppress people.

For a govt that so readily label its.own citizens as racist because of their opposing the CECA ....what is there to stop them from labelling citizens agents of foreign govt when they don't want them to express their opinion...and using this law against ordinary citizens who are unhappy with the govt.

Singaporeans have been known to be detained on unproven charges in the past using ISA. Examples are Chia Tye Poh, Poh Soo Kai and Teo Soh Lung.

Teo Soh Lung was accused of being a Marxist when she opposed the govt and detained without trial for many years until today there is no proof she is a Marxist agent 

We are unwise not to learn from past abuses and allow such laws to be passed.

Here is the petition.


I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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