That missing Singaporean in TW got dual citizenship?

(09-04-2024, 02:40 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Hello SGbutt unlike you keep post crap loo all those crap self claim financial guru this is why you can’t draw a line here what we talk about . Even Zao Bao report it u not happy go write in to Zao Bao  I dare u not here .

We are question here why Singaporean can get another country citizenship? Thought our govt don’t allow it ? Even China also don’t allow it.

Yalor. Why he can't read properly and yet so sensitive

(09-04-2024, 02:40 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Hello SGbutt unlike you keep post crap loo all those crap self claim financial guru this is why you can’t draw a line here what we talk about . Even Zao Bao report it u not happy go write in to Zao Bao  I dare u not here .

We are question here why Singaporean can get another country citizenship? Thought our govt don’t allow it ? Even China also don’t allow it.
You make Ah Butt sick with this thread. Better delete the thread.     Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(09-04-2024, 03:07 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  Yalor. Why he can't read properly and yet so sensitive

He is like those Dumb people online , buy things without think end up become even poorer whereas seller more rich lol those types. This is why he keep posting what Loo , kelive crap video.

Do their video help him? Literally NO. End up who win? I means want to share, share those people not just they also earn BUT also make you earn as well those type of video.

(09-04-2024, 02:40 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Hello SGbutt unlike you keep post crap loo all those crap self claim financial guru this is why you can’t draw a line here what we talk about . Even Zao Bao report it u not happy go write in to Zao Bao  I dare u not here .

We are question here why Singaporean can get another country citizenship? Thought our govt don’t allow it ? Even China also don’t allow it.

you another kumgong in sgtalk.

ppl apply and get citizenship in other country how the govt know ?

(09-04-2024, 03:44 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  you another kumgong in sgtalk.

ppl apply and get citizenship in other country how the govt know ?

I think the other country wants to see the document that he denounced the citizenship of his previous country before approving. I remember one guy migrating to Australia with his family done this.    Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(09-04-2024, 03:55 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  I think the other country wants to see the document that he denounced the citizenship of his previous country before approving. I remember one guy migrating to Australia with his family done this.    Big Grin

it is "volunteering" not "compulsory".

Don't know how true, but hearsay before if you gotten new citizenship of another countries and ish already >18, you are supposed to renounce your red dot-ship ASAP but govt never say how long is that ASAP.

So hor this ASAP can drag forever as govt don't actively go and pester when you will go renounce, just that the taxation filing maybe nasty as you may end up having to pay both sides. Sad

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(09-04-2024, 04:05 PM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Don't know how true, but hearsay before if you gotten new citizenship of another countries and ish already >18, you are supposed to renounce your red dot-ship ASAP but govt never say how long is that ASAP.

So hor this ASAP can drag forever as govt don't actively go and pester when you will go renounce, just that the taxation filing maybe nasty as you may end up having to pay both sides. Sad

These quitters are still getting all the benefits such as CDC vouchers, CPF topup and possibly low incomer payout as Spore garment doesn’t know they are already foreign citizens and their income is zero in Spore.

(09-04-2024, 03:44 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  you another kumgong in sgtalk.

ppl apply and get citizenship in other country how the govt know ?

A kumgong calling ppl kumgong.. These days compare your bio-metric data will know if a person coming to Singapore can be found in our database.

So, it is not because how the govt know, but rather govt choose not to know.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

Source: Last updated 5mo ago Please note that the Singapore government does not allow its adult citizens to hold dual citizenship. Thus, once you have attained the citizenship of another country, you are to renounce your Singapore citizenship as soon as possible.

SO " most likely people never renounce their Singapore citizenship ? "

According to ICA they JUST Claim " you are to renounce your Singapore citizenship as soon as possible "

(09-04-2024, 09:34 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Can you give names of other countries that disallow dual citizenship?   


google, your friend

[Image: Screenshot-2024-04-09-183652.jpg]


If yr sg ppt not yet expired you can use it to enter/exit sg, still 神不知鬼不觉

LML should question our ministar in parliament.. How is ICA now ensuring ppl got no dual citizenship.

If the 2 buggers didn't declare they obtain Aussie citizenship, say so to clear the air.

Like what I keep stressing, u break the law mean break the law, be it dead or alive.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(09-04-2024, 08:09 PM)Blin Wrote:  Just heard Indonesia EQ at 6.5.

no wonder just now my MSCP saw 1 car shaking.

(09-04-2024, 10:18 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  no wonder just now my MSCP saw 1 car shaking.

That car parked under a tree or in bushy area?   Got curtains  or not?  Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

singapore belongs to all

and nothing is wrong with it


(09-04-2024, 09:34 AM)webinarian Wrote:  Can you give names of other countries that disallow dual citizenship?   


only 3rd world countries doesnt allow dual citizenship

(10-04-2024, 12:20 AM)Jinwului Wrote:  only 3rd world countries doesnt allow dual citizenship

Didn't know Japan is a 3rd world country..

More importantly, by holding dual citizenship, the couple is enjoying benefits from both countries.

To think that my taxes goes toward the Assurance Package, Cost of Living Support Measures, CDC voucher for these 2, sucks big time.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(10-04-2024, 12:07 PM)ArielCasper Wrote:  Didn't know Japan is a 3rd world country..

More importantly, by holding dual citizenship, the couple is enjoying benefits from both countries.

To think that my taxes goes toward the Assurance Package, Cost of Living Support Measures, CDC voucher for these 2, sucks big time.

I think in terms of benefits, Australia beats Singapore hands down so if you want to calculate, Aussies should be the one complaining

(10-04-2024, 04:55 PM)Jinwului Wrote:  I think in terms of benefits, Australia beats Singapore hands down so if you want to calculate, Aussies should be the one complaining

What benefits are you talking about?

Unemployment payment is only given to low income families that are either jobless or underemployed, if you have big amount of money like $10-20k in the bank or /and own more than one property & collect rentals, you are not eligible 

Childcare payment is only eligible for couple who has child/ children to offset childcare fees, not much.

Aged pension is also subject to income and asset tests, meaning Centrelink (Australian government authorised welfare agency) will assess how much money you have at bank and your overseas income, as well as overseas properties you own and rental income. Based on the negative income you make your pension amount will be drastically reduced to 30-50% of the full Unemployment. In order to continuously get Aged pension, you are not allow to stay in overseas more than 6 weeks per year as Centrelink will cancel your payment, you must apply all over again.

Unlike in Spore, there is no annual performance bonuses like 1-3 month year end bonuses in Australia, big firms if doing well the big boss may write a cheque of the amount of $1-3k and give to the employees as bonus, that’s it.

Lastly the income tax is much higher than that in Spore, the higher your salary is the more tax you need to pay. The GST is also higher than Spore. Inflation is very high…eating a bowel of Laksa or Vietnamese beef pho used to be A$10 and now costs A$18.5

(10-04-2024, 04:55 PM)Jinwului Wrote:  I think in terms of benefits, Australia beats Singapore hands down so if you want to calculate, Aussies should be the one complaining

Think you got it wrong. By holding dual citizenship, the couple was enjoying benefits from both countries.

It has nothing to do with which country benefits is better.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

Many first world countries allow dual citizenship for many years liao with no issue at all so what's the fuzz about a singaporean attaining another country citizenship? those opposed sounds like sour grapes and trying to portray those with dual citizenship as if they are criminal....get over it as these people are more capable and smarter than you

(11-04-2024, 12:41 AM)Jinwului Wrote:  Many first world countries allow dual citizenship for many years liao with no issue at all so what's the fuzz about a singaporean attaining another country citizenship? those opposed sounds like sour grapes and trying to portray those with dual citizenship as if they are criminal....get over it as these people are more capable and smarter than you

Well, until the law is changed, it is not allowed, whether u like it or not.

I am sour over it because my taxes may go towards paying for their cdc voucher, assurance payout etc.

Maybe u are not a taxpayer so u can't be bothered, but I am.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

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