The Differences Between a COVID Vaccine Third Dose and Booster Shot

Currently, when we speak about third doses, we’re speaking about an extra dose apart from the first two doses of the messenger RNA vaccine because the first two doses didn’t give sufficient protection against COVID-19. And that is why some people need a third dose for them to get to a level of immunity that’s protective.

the next one gotta think of a new name, like effector or activator?

hat drive dose.

These vaccines are no good, must get jabbed every 6 months, they call 3rd and 4th jabs Booster, they are actually the same as previous two, nothing fancy about it, after getting the Booster jab, you will need to get another jab a few months later, and so on.

Previously, I didn't know the cost to manufacture the vaccine is so low as $1.5 to $3. This might be a factor in the usefulness of the vaccine.

Moderna costs more as it has more vaccine concentration than the other.

In manufacturing, you pay more, you get better quality products. eg light bulbs (the material can last longer).

mRNA vaccines: Yearly affair
Inactivated Vaccines, AZ and Sputnik: Likely One-off affair

(12-09-2021, 12:01 PM)theold Wrote:  Previously, I didn't know the cost to manufacture the vaccine is so low as $1.5 to $3. This might be a factor in the usefulness of the vaccine.

Moderna costs more as it has more vaccine concentration than the other.

In manufacturing, you pay more, you get better quality products. eg light bulbs (the material can last longer).

Vaccine not cure.
 mrna vaccine just telling body to create antibodies.  Itself not going to kill covid.
higher dose is just instructing your body to create the antibodies.

inactivated is throw dead cell will cannot multiple into your body to let the body own time own target wipe the covid die cells off.

just thinking is it possible to do a immunity strength check first.
after all not all need the extra boost.

(12-09-2021, 02:05 PM)theold Wrote:  mRNA vaccines: Yearly affair
Inactivated Vaccines, AZ and Sputnik: Likely One-off affair

AZ is not inactivated vaccine

(12-09-2021, 02:05 PM)I theold Wrote:  mRNA vaccines: Yearly affair
Inactivated Vaccines, AZ and Sputnik: Likely One-off affair
AZ and Sputnik uses double stranded DNA. Gene for the coronavirus spike protein is added to another virus called an adenovirus.
It does not use an inactivated coronavirus like those Chinese vaccines which is the traditional way vaccines are made.

Yearly Affair needs yearly renewal, just like software.

We need to get the latest update also known as the booster shot to cover Delta variant and not the 3rd dose. Old people may like the latter so that they are covered for the previous variants. The worry is how long will this vaccine lasts again.

There is a different between a COVID Vaccine Third Dose and Booster Shot.

Pfizer and Moderna very smart, they just change name or labels and name it as boosters.

疫苗可以不打, 手枪一定要打!
疫苗可以不注射, 精子一定要远射!

(12-09-2021, 11:19 PM)happyharvest Wrote:  AZ is not inactivated vaccine

DNA vaccine.

(13-09-2021, 09:43 AM)dynamite Wrote:  DNA vaccine.

gene based related vaccine. correct

I think it is like this and like dat.
The blood expelled toxins by way of hydrostatic pressure thr. the walls of the veins into the interstitual fluids. From there they are expelled thr. sweat and bowel movement etc.
If the size of the toxins are too large, the blood has to find a way.
The toxins are crystallised.
The shots are the toxins. Now u need extra doze.

[Image: Screenshot-2021-09-13-at-05-16-14-GRAPHE...CCINES.png]

LHS healthy cells RHS poisoned cells

(12-09-2021, 02:05 PM)theold Wrote:  mRNA vaccines: Yearly affair
Inactivated Vaccines, AZ and Sputnik: Likely One-off affair

If it is a   one-off affair, then many will want to be vaccinated with that vaccine..

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