The Jap yen's dramatic fall, an omen for the euro?

The former currency of hope, the yen, has lost around 20 percent of its value so far this year. Since the euro zone has followed a similar course to Japan in many respects, Europeans are watching the yen development with eagle eyes.

After Japan,  China.  i.e. if China dare to follow Japan to cut interest rate to negative to lesser burden of the bank borrowers; if not, hehehehe.

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-15-193915.jpg]


Why Japan is not in good shape? It is because it has ultra-low saving interest rates for the money to circulate in the economy. Instead, the money moves to the US for better deposit rates.

1 Japanese Yen equals 0.0098 Singapore Dollar

(16-09-2022, 05:49 AM)kokee Wrote:  RMB plunges below 7 yesterday, CNH at 7.01 now against USD!
even with china central banks support & all the policy & request china banks stop selling RMB for USD, still, RMB plunges below 7! more to come!
If the west announce sanction china like russia, then will see RMB plunges 30-40% overnight! just do it fearlessly together globally!
also HKD unpeg & HK financial system collapse, these will collapse china economy & financially totally!



china RMB crash from around 6.4 this yr to cross 7 now, RMB strong? my foot!
as above, global going to sanction china soon!
once sanction starts, RMB will be totally gone!!

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