The Taiwan presidential election race will now be a 3-way contest

šŸ‘‹ The Taiwan presidential election race will now be a 3-way contest after billionaire Terry Gou confirmed his withdrawal.Ā 

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KMT should put Chiang Wan-an as candidate. He is young, smart and handsome and great grandson ofĀ  Chiang Kai-shek . Sure landslide win. Why they go for Hou who looks nerdy, no charisma and also nothing outstanding

(25-11-2023, 03:42 PM)HarryĀ Lee Wrote:  KMT should put Jiang Wan Guo as candidate. He is young, smart and handsome and great grandson of Jiang Jin Guo. Why they go for Hou who looks nerdy and also nothing outstanding

I think you meant Jiang Wan Anļ¼ˆč”£č¬å®‰ļ¼‰. The thing is he just steps into Taipei Mayor office less than a year. Therefore he will not get much supports until he has shown his administrative skillsā€¦and whether he has helped the people in Taipei city.Ā 

Why Hou was chosen because while he was the Mayor for New Taipei City, he has proven with his 4 years of leadership and during his second Mayorship elections he has won with the highest votings in the whole of Taiwan. Therefore naturally he is the one to step up to take the Presidency position in representing KMT.Ā 

Initially he didnā€™t want to, but there were no one else that has the popularity.Ā 

In the past he held the Chief Commander position in the Taipei Criminal Investigation Division, where he solve many major criminal cases. He may appear to be nerdy, just that he kept low profile and doesnā€™t express well due to his past police lifestyle. Unlike many politicians they would express themselves with exaggeration.

This time round whoever going against the pan green team will find it hard to win anyway. Taiwan will deteriorate another 4 years.

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