The bigger China's economic problems the more you should buy China stocks...

The reason is counter intuitive but goes like this 

If everything is smooth sailing the left leaning govt will get itchy and make life difficult for companies and tycoons. Like endless regulation to curb tech companies. 

If economy is strong it starves the private firm of capital to limit their growth because it can hit growth target without them.

But when the economy tanks and unemployment goes up and property sector is in crisis. It needs to the private companies to solve its problems.

Since the mortgage crisis blew up and China missed growth target and unemployment turning  into a big problem. The govt has stopped going after big tech firms and approved game licenses and ease ecommerce. It also stop whining about cyber and data issues.

It also remove curbs on private company borrowings and held back on myriad of anti business policies.

All the major Chinese sovereign wealth and pension funds invest in equities. When the govt implement all the negative policies that cause stocks to tank they discover they burnt their own fingers. 

The banking and property crisis will force the central govt to open the spigot to clean all the bad debts and print enough money to sail through the problems.

If there is no crisis, there will be no solution....

The conflict reflects the self conflicting nature of Chinese govt on the one hand it wants socialistic goals to have equality on the other it needs the private enterprise to generate wealth.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(25-07-2022, 10:56 AM)kokee Wrote:  HK HKD & HK economy also getting interesting.
ton of foreign fund & investment already pull out of HK now.
not much reserved left, if kena attack like 1997, this time can they resist? let see will 1997  repeat itself.
HK peg to USD but still dont hike rate, interest rate play an important part here!



this know nut sgbuffett, bark to buy china stock many times & I challenged him to list down the counters, time, quantity & price many times here, but he got no balls to put it down even once yet keep coming back to bark same nonsense!
china stocks whether listed in US or HK, HK definitely will be worse.
In US, will be delisted eventually!
I have explained enough, just want to see how he lost his pants here openly.
He barked to buy china banks stock 1-2 months ago, price already down 20-30% since then.
last week, another china developers stock down 80%!
dont like comie dogs here, ask morons to buy but they themselves will never hold any RMB or RMB asset!

Shameless bankrupt loser kokee and stooge’s howling jealous

Who let the slave kokee and stooge’s out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof

Shameless bankrupt loser kokee and stooge’s

(26-07-2022, 11:45 AM)kokee Wrote:  this know nut sgbuffett, bark to buy china stock many times & I challenged him to list down the counters, time, quantity & price many times here, but he got no balls to put  it down even once yet keep coming back to bark same nonsense!
china stocks whether listed in US or HK, HK definitely will be worse.
In US, will be delisted eventually!
I have explained enough, just want to see how he lost his pants here openly.
He barked to buy china banks stock 1-2 months ago, price already down 20-30% since then.
last week, another china developers stock down 80%!
dont like comie dogs here, ask morons to buy but they themselves will never hold any RMB or RMB asset!

My China stocks investment listed one by one here date and price . Win or lose all there.

China stocks and china problems are separate issues.

Many Chinese firms are exporters and depend on demand outside China.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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