The consequences of the first case of monkeypox in Germany

Now, more than half a century later, this virus is causing a stir around the world. Because there is currently a lot of evidence in countries where the virus is not endemic. First in Great Britain, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, USA, Canada and Australia - and today a case was also reported in Germany for the first time.

Monkeypox was diagnosed in a first patient in Germany. The pathogen has had a textbook epidemiological career, and experts expect it to spread further. What you should know now.

BA medical case dates back decades and is now remembered: A nine-month-old baby was brought to the doctor in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) with a fever, rash and pustules on the body. The child had been infected with a virus, the analysis showed.

The baby recovered - and actually this case of illness should be long forgotten. But the child entered the medical literature. It was the first time a human case of monkeypox had been diagnosed. It was the first scientifically documented case of monkeypox virus spread.
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Are you in Germany? Are you a Nazi sympathizer? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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