The differences in reporting

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Over 95% individuals developed antibodies against the Sinopharm vaccine – USJ Researchers

Over 95% individuals in Sri Lanka developed antibodies against the Sinopharm vaccine. The Allergy, Immunology and Cell Biology Unit, Department of Immunology Molecular and Molecular Medicine investigated immune responses to the Sinopharm vaccine and found that the vaccine induced antibody responses in over 95% of individuals, similar to levels seen following natural COVID-19 illness.

The antibody responses to delta variant and neutralizing antibodies, were similar to levels seen following natural infection.

(22-07-2021, 05:46 AM)theold Wrote:

This kind of report only shows ignorance in vaccination

Our body immunity has classified into 2 major types.
Pre and post types.
Pre type is base/basic immunity.
Post type immunity is the most powerful immunity.
In the post type immunity, there are 2 powerful immunity cells. First type is "strike and kill" the virus(Normally we called them T-Cell)
2nd type is "block and disarm" the virus.
If both types dont work, then this is why vaccination is important. Vaccination is to provide training for our immunity cells. A well trained immunity cell can eliminate most viruses once they intrude into our body.

Different methods of vaccinations have different efficiency but the outcome is the same.
Dont be confused by the report.

Most ppl shd be more comfortable to vaccinate with traditional methods, normally they use dead or inactive virus to train our immunity cells.
Like recent MRNA vaccine, M stands for message.
It is too new to us, we dont know the long term effect.
The fabrication of MRNA is too high tech and production volume is Super fast than traditional method.
This MRNA vaccine needs to keep under extreme cold condition. The reason is because the MRNA is very unstable, easily disintergrate if keep under room temperature.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

One of them is fake news. Like the RV incident. One report axe was used, another report knife was used.

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