The epic bust-up between China and India could be ending

Jul 18th 2024


The first sign of the shift came in November last year, when Indian restrictions on visas for Chinese professionals in some industries were relaxed. That was followed by a softening of rhetoric on China from Narendra Modi, the prime minister. In an interview with Newsweek magazine published on April 10th, weeks before the Indian election, Mr Modi described relations with China as “important and significant” and expressed hope that border stability could be restored. His defence minister, Rajnath Singh, said in late April that border talks were “progressive and satisfactory” and “no fresh tension has come up”. Then in May a new Chinese ambassador, Xu Feihong, arrived in Delhi after a hiatus of 18 months in which China’s embassy there operated without one. Mr Xu has since been on a charm offensive, meeting several members of the political elite.


One reason for the recalibration is the apparent success of a new mechanism for managing border tensions. It relies on “buffer zones” where both sides withdraw troops and cease all patrols. Through 21 rounds of talks between military commanders, the two sides have already established such zones at five of seven flashpoints and are discussing others, although their strategic importance makes them more contentious.

The other impetus for change is a recent surge of demand for Chinese technology in India, despite official efforts to reduce its economic dependence on its neighbour. After the clash in 2020, India’s government banned 320 Chinese apps, launched tax raids on Chinese companies and introduced new rules requiring government approval for any Chinese investment. Bilateral trade dropped, and Indian officials joined Western counterparts in trying to “de-risk” supply chains.

And yet India’s dependence on Chinese imports has only grown (see chart). In the 2023-24 financial year China edged past America to reclaim its position as India’s top trading partner. India’s imports from China increased to US$102bn (about 56% more than in 2020) out of a total US$118bn in bilateral trade. India’s trade deficit with China has risen by around 75% since 2020.

More strikingly, China was India’s biggest source of major industrial products in 2023, accounting for around 30% in categories such as electronics, machinery, cars, chemicals and textiles, according to a recent study by the Global Trade Research Initiative (gtri), a Delhi-based think-tank. The study found that India’s reliance on China was highest in imports of electronics, telecoms and electrical products, at 39%. Machinery was second, at 38%.
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(22-07-2024, 12:18 PM)Levin Wrote:  Jul 18th 2024


The first sign of the shift came in November last year, when Indian restrictions on visas for Chinese professionals in some industries were relaxed. That was followed by a softening of rhetoric on China from Narendra Modi, the prime minister. In an interview with Newsweek magazine published on April 10th, weeks before the Indian election, Mr Modi described relations with China as “important and significant” and expressed hope that border stability could be restored. His defence minister, Rajnath Singh, said in late April that border talks were “progressive and satisfactory” and “no fresh tension has come up”. Then in May a new Chinese ambassador, Xu Feihong, arrived in Delhi after a hiatus of 18 months in which China’s embassy there operated without one. Mr Xu has since been on a charm offensive, meeting several members of the political elite.


One reason for the recalibration is the apparent success of a new mechanism for managing border tensions. It relies on “buffer zones” where both sides withdraw troops and cease all patrols. Through 21 rounds of talks between military commanders, the two sides have already established such zones at five of seven flashpoints and are discussing others, although their strategic importance makes them more contentious.

The other impetus for change is a recent surge of demand for Chinese technology in India, despite official efforts to reduce its economic dependence on its neighbour. After the clash in 2020, India’s government banned 320 Chinese apps, launched tax raids on Chinese companies and introduced new rules requiring government approval for any Chinese investment. Bilateral trade dropped, and Indian officials joined Western counterparts in trying to “de-risk” supply chains.

And yet India’s dependence on Chinese imports has only grown (see chart). In the 2023-24 financial year China edged past America to reclaim its position as India’s top trading partner. India’s imports from China increased to US$102bn (about 56% more than in 2020) out of a total US$118bn in bilateral trade. India’s trade deficit with China has risen by around 75% since 2020.

More strikingly, China was India’s biggest source of major industrial products in 2023, accounting for around 30% in categories such as electronics, machinery, cars, chemicals and textiles, according to a recent study by the Global Trade Research Initiative (gtri), a Delhi-based think-tank. The study found that India’s reliance on China was highest in imports of electronics, telecoms and electrical products, at 39%. Machinery was second, at 38%.

Let the people complete  among themselves concept is good.. so that govts can focus on wellbeing of the people.

All these are actually small sliver of land used by leaders to stir up nationalist sentiment.

I wish citizens of both sides not be Lure by such ruses by leaders.

Such disputed Territories should be just left alone...citizens on both sides should sack their own govt for using it to raise tensions with neighbors.

Even better go to international court to get it settled once and for all so both sides don't waste time and resources on this.

This is like Dr. M when he has nothing to do go and park ships in our seas and whine endlessly about water agreements. Wasting the time of both countries...

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

After kenna trashed at the poll during India election. Modi knows his 10-years policy against China has zero impac to India's "progress"
Our pro-Indian CNA just confirm the change in BJP tone after years of anti-China policy. Laughing

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(22-07-2024, 01:02 PM)Manthink Wrote:  After kenna trashed at the poll during India election. Modi knows his 10-years policy against China has zero impac to India's "progress"
Our pro-Indian CNA just confirm the change in BJP tone after years of anti-China policy. Laughing

A look at India focused reddit forums tells you that the BJP party lost is majority due to bread and butter issues namely a lack of employment growth and rampant inflation especially in the south of India.  Modi has little choice but to turn up the economic levers by leveraging on Chinese capital and support as the US and Europe sure ain't going to bother unless there are military bases to be built.
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(22-07-2024, 01:15 PM)aiptasia Wrote:  A look at India focused reddit forums tells you that the BJP party lost is majority due to bread and butter issues namely a lack of employment growth and rampant inflation especially in the south of India.  Modi has little choice but to turn up the economic levers by leveraging on Chinese capital and support as the US and Europe sure ain't going to bother unless there are military bases to be built.

The "Indians" of South Asia are generally nice pple...So "nice" that they always are willing parties as Pawn of the West to attack the Chinese.

Not sure whether that is due to their long-tradition of Caste System or simply kenna Brain-washed by the Brit after 200 years of Colonialism. Big Grin 

[Image: thediplomat-2020-04-17-2.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(25-07-2024, 09:50 AM)Manthink Wrote:  The "Indians" of South Asia are generally nice pple...So "nice" that they always are willing parties as Pawn of the West to attack the Chinese.

Not sure whether that is due to their long-tradition of Caste System or simply kenna Brain-washed by the Brit after 200 years of Colonialism. Big Grin 

[Image: thediplomat-2020-04-17-2.jpg]

CECAs always like to angkat ang moh bolas throughout history.

But AMDK look upon them with disdain and treat them like thrash in return.

Angkat bola does jack sh*te for India and Modi finally realizes this hence he has reached out to China for more FDI and economic co-operation recently after his election setback.

From moi CECA colleagues, modi are losing supports from the people especially the middle-class ish mainly because after so many years in power he still fail to reform the crazy bureaucracy practices in the country especially with foreign businesses, which make everything inefficient and thus fail to capitalize on the fall of AT land as world factory.

It ish not simple to do business in CECA Land, sometime a simple thing may take a ridiculously long time and need to go through the approval of various different departments\govt bodies, and what you normally could done within few weeks in other countries, may end up waiting for months and even years in CECA land.

To simply put, in other country when you want something approve by the govt for your businesses, the paperwork normally only have to go through 2 or 3 indian chiefs and it might involved 1 or 2 govt bodies at most. But in CECA land, the same request may need your paperwork to go through a dozen of indian chiefs from a number of different govt bodies, and the wait ish usually not short either.

Because of this, many businesses after moving out of AT land may initially want to shift their new office\factory over to CECA Land, but would nao rather go to other countries to setup their factories and offices after realizing all the bureaucratic bull$hit they need to go through in CECA land.

Beside this another problem ish that the infrastructure in CECA land has yet to catch up with the demands and expectations of these potential new businesses especially with power, water and transports. And modi has too not perform well enough in expanding the infrastructures of CECA land.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(25-07-2024, 01:16 PM)Soulhacker Wrote:  From moi CECA colleagues, modi are losing supports from the people especially the middle-class ish mainly because after so many years in power he still fail to reform the crazy bureaucracy practices in the country especially with foreign businesses, which make everything inefficient and thus fail to capitalize on the fall of AT land as world factory. ....

CECA-land is nothing without its religions and Caste system.

That is why Modi enjoyed so much support for "so long" until the reality hits the Indians bread-and-butter problems there is never going to be solved.

IMO, whether Shanghai or Shenzhen  "collapse" or gets replaced by others as Factory of the World, is immaterial to the men, women and children in the street the largest and most populace nation on Earth...

My simple word of advise to the Indians - STOP comparing yourself with China.

[Image: Street_Child_1648369080349_1648369099156.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(25-07-2024, 01:23 PM)Manthink Wrote:  CECA-land is nothing without its religions and Caste system.

That is why Modi enjoyed so much support for "so long" until the reality hits the Indians bread-and-butter problems there is never going to be solved.

IMO, whether Shanghai or Shenzhen  "collapse" or gets replaced by others as Factory of the World, is immaterial to the men, women and children in the street the largest and most populace nation on Earth...

My simple word of advise to the Indians - STOP comparing yourself with China.

[Image: Street_Child_1648369080349_1648369099156.jpg]

If CECA land do manage to catch the world factory shifting train, those men, women and children on the street will benefit one way or the other, directly or indirectly, immediately or over time.

A very good example ish Vietnam, despise still being a communist country, they managed to seduced many businesses that had move out of AT land in the last few years, this lead to more employment opportunities created in their country, more jobs with better pay and thus also mean more tax revenue for their govt to collect and spend on welfare, infrastructure and other national projects. And because of this, more and more Vietnamese FWs nao are also going back to Vietnam to work liao as they see hope and a brighter future.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(25-07-2024, 01:41 PM)Soulhacker Wrote:  If CECA land do manage to catch the world factory shifting train, those men, women and children on the street will benefit one way or the other, directly or indirectly, immediately or over time.A very good example ish Vietnam, despise still being a communist country, they managed to seduced many businesses that had move out of AT land in the last few years, this lead to more employment opportunities created in their country, more jobs with better pay and thus also mean more tax revenue for their govt to collect and spend on welfare, infrastructure and other national projects. And because of this, more and more Vietnamese FWs nao are also going back to Vietnam to work liao as they see hope and a brighter future.

I notice the 1st word you describe CECA  is a big "IF".  Yeap - it is true even a small Communist Chop-stick using country like Vietnam can do better than India, the largest and most populous country on Earth. WHY ?

Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(26-07-2024, 08:08 AM)Manthink Wrote:  I notice the 1st word you describe CECA  is a big "IF".  Yeap - it is true even a small Communist Chop-stick using country like Vietnam can do better than India, the largest and most populous country on Earth. WHY ?

Big Grin

This ish why moi CECA colleagues had said modi ish losing supports from their fellow countrymen, as he had fail to make that "IF" into a reality especially during the golden timing when AT land ish down on their luck and for CECA to catch up. What CECA land badly need now ish to reform a lot of it's bureaucratic system that are already rotten to the core so that they will be able to not just attract foreign investment to come but also keeping those investment in CECA land, which modi had achieved very little in his term to date.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(26-07-2024, 08:28 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  This ish why moi CECA colleagues had said modi ish losing supports from their fellow countrymen, as he had fail to make that "IF" into a reality especially during the golden timing when AT land ish down on their luck and for CECA to catch up. What CECA land badly need now ish to reform a lot of it's bureaucratic system that are already rotten to the core so that they will be able to not just attract foreign investment to come but also keeping those investment in CECA land, which modi had achieved very little in his term to date.

Hard Truth - Indians can never understand the real meaning of "REFORM"... That is why I said previously:

My simple word of advise to the Indians - STOP comparing yourself with China. Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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(26-07-2024, 08:35 AM)Manthink Wrote:  Hard Truth - Indians can never understand the real meaning of "REFORM"... That is why I said previously:

My simple word of advise to the Indians - STOP comparing yourself with China. Big Grin

To be fair AT also not much better in 'reform'. So far what AT currently do best ish photocopy nia by copying and paste what are working from the west and also from some more modernized Asian countries like S Korea, Taiwan, Sinkapore and Jipan., not really about reforming their also deep rooted problematic culture and system. Sad

Perhaps because of this, the AT land modern city only look modern but kind of lacking the souls.

Maybe real reform ish possible if they do manage to get rid of CCP, but that ish more like fairy tales liao, think the world may end first before AT can end CCP.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(26-07-2024, 09:16 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  To be fair AT also not much better in 'reform'. So far what AT currently do best ish photocopy nia by copying and paste what are working from the west and also from some more modernized Asian countries like S Korea, Chinese Taipei, SINGAPORE and Jipan., not really about reforming their also deep rooted problematic culture and system. SadPerhaps because of this, the AT land modern city only look modern but kind of lacking the souls.Maybe real reform ish possible if they do manage to get rid of CCP, but that ish more like fairy tales liao, think the world may end first before AT can end CCP.

Sorry hor - Has the World ever "fair" ???
Else why Indians are fleeing amass from their country to USA, UK Canada, Australia etc  ?
Again, this is my advise to the Indians - STOP comparing yourself with China  [Image: biggrin.png]

A REALITY Check -  Is China "not much better in 'reform' than the India ?
[Image: COMM-china-india-gdp-06302023.png]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(26-07-2024, 01:48 PM)Manthink Wrote:  Sorry hor - Has the World ever "fair" ???
Else why Indians are fleeing amass from their country to USA, UK Canada, Australia etc  ?
Again, this is my advise to the Indians - STOP comparing yourself with China  [Image: biggrin.png]

A REALITY Check -  Is China "not much better in 'reform' than the India ?
[Image: COMM-china-india-gdp-06302023.png]

Actually AT economy miracle ish not really about their success in reform, ish more about the foreign funds that continue to throw $$$ into AT land to anyhao invest during those good years. Nao that these foreign $$$ were not coming in anymore or even worst, ish withdrawing, in the next few years you see AT can continue to enjoy the kind of gdp grow like they use to or not lor.

So at least CECA will still be on a upward trend regardless how wols, but will not be so sure about AT gdp anymore especially in the post wuhan virus era. Unless the next PotUS brain damage suddenly decided to trust winnie and welcome CCP's panda diplomacy again, AT may soon drop below the gdp level that they use to enjoy in 2007 or even earlier.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(26-07-2024, 02:05 PM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Actually AT economy miracle ish not really about their success in reform, ish more about the foreign funds that continue to throw $$$ into AT land to anyhao invest during those good years. Nao that these foreign $$$ were not coming in anymore or even worst, ish withdrawing, in the next few years you see AT can continue to enjoy the kind of gdp grow like they use to or not lor. So at least CECA will still be on a upward trend regardless how wols, but will not be so sure about AT gdp anymore especially in the post wuhan virus era. Unless the next PotUS brain damage suddenly decided to trust winnie and welcome CCP's panda diplomacy again, AT may soon drop below the gdp level that they use to enjoy in 2007 or even earlier.

Actually hor, India had been trying to copy China "reform in over a decade.

What happened ? How cum the later fail and still struggle to get any "miracle" ?

Like you , there will always those  who predicted China Collapse story and "dropping GDP"... - What happen now ? 

I repeat again -  The Indians should STOP comparing themselves with the Chinese. Big Grin
[Image: main-qimg-d270c58b057f8392d428c329cefaefaf]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(26-07-2024, 09:16 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  To be fair AT also not much better in 'reform'. So far what AT currently do best ish photocopy nia by copying and paste what are working from the west and also from some more modernized Asian countries like S Korea, Taiwan, Sinkapore and Jipan., not really about reforming their also deep rooted problematic culture and system. Sad

Perhaps because of this, the AT land modern city only look modern but kind of lacking the souls.

Maybe real reform ish possible if they do manage to get rid of CCP, but that ish more like fairy tales liao, think the world may end first before AT can end CCP.

If based on what u said word by word, China should be like Europe liao. Copy until forgotten to speak dialect and Mandarin lor.. all eat kantang Clapping


(26-07-2024, 03:51 PM)Niubee Wrote:  If based on what u said word by word, China should be like Europe liao. Copy until forgotten to speak dialect and Mandarin lor.. all eat kantang Clapping

Both China and India knows it will be disastrous to blindly follow or copy from the West.

Which is why both are smart enough not to be made used of.

Which explains why current leaders from these 2 countries continue to shake hands together with BBF Russia's Putin. Big Grin

[Image: b9f0e9b26a734740accb8f52f9cd07f7.jpg]

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

china and india wars is like the middle east

(27-07-2024, 10:00 AM)grotesqueness Wrote:  china and india wars is like the middle east

Some SGtalkers love fairy tales... Big Grin

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

(27-07-2024, 11:00 AM)Manthink Wrote:  Some SGtalkers love fairy tales... Big Grin

india love cheap stuffs from country like china and russia no body wants

like the former transport minister S. Iswaran

take free cheap tickets because no other ministers willing to take those cheap stuffs

(27-07-2024, 11:04 AM)grotesqueness Wrote:  india love cheap stuffs from country like china and russia no body wants
like the former transport minister S. Iswaran
take free cheap tickets because no other ministers willing to take those cheap stuffs

Correction - Indians from India is known to take things for free....That is why India is never a good place to invest. That's why many SMART pple don't wanna get involved with India unless absolutely have to.  Big Grin

I am curious why you bring up the ex tpt minister ? is it because (as according to your Wiki info) that "Iswaran was born in 1962 in Chennai, later moving to Singapore" ???

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013
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