[COE] coe will be breaking $200k in the next 6 months ......

$200k in the next 6 months 

Historical trend show COE is creeping towards $200k

This is in line with inflation

Hawker price went up 

Public Transport went up 

How can COE remain below $100k?

[Image: 462694323-1015034027329855-1464403140472178973-n.jpg]

Won’t be buying a new cat anymore. Maybe just a coe cat instead Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

Better buy your car asap

(17-10-2024, 11:31 PM)TopSage Wrote:  Better buy your car asap

Be a PHV driver if you want a car on the cheap. I see S'pore PHVs in JB on family outings on most weekends. 

(18-10-2024, 09:21 AM)EvertonDiehard Wrote:  Be a PHV driver if you want a car on the cheap. I see S'pore PHVs in JB on family outings on most weekends. 

If coe go up, do u think car rental won't go up as well?

(18-10-2024, 09:27 AM)winbig Wrote:  If coe go up, do u think car rental won't go up as well?

That is a no-brainer! However, hiring a PHV to make a living is far cheaper and a much more realistic way to have a car at your disposal if the COE is no longer within your reach. Do you understand where I am coming from now? The cost of owning a car is already out of the reach of the middle class; those who still have a car know that their days as vehicle owners are numbered. 
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While owning a car would definitely raise our quality of life, the govt's policy of limiting car ownership makes sense. This policy is essential to prevent SG's roads from becoming overcrowded, similar to the chaotic traffic conditions in cities like KL, Bangkok, Jakarta and Hong Kong. Although many of us complain about traffic congestion, our situation is far from dire compared to other cities. Given SG's small land area, it is simply not feasible to accommodate a large car population. While this policy may be inconvenient for those who need a vehicle, it's a necessary measure to balance road infrastructure with housing and other essential amenities. 

The current price-based COE system is a straightforward way to regulate the vehicle population. The govt controls the supply, ensuring a fair allocation based on market demand. This system is equitable, as anyone with the means can acquire a car. In other words, the govt is controlling the COE premiums and laughing all the way to the bank while doing so. Vulgar as it may seem, it all boils down to affordability just like just about everything in SG. If you can afford a GCB, a fleet of luxury cars and branded goods, the govt is not going to stop you from buying them.  

Cannot buy car now...

[Image: coe-2024.jpg]
better buy you car now while COE is still at $100k mark

(18-10-2024, 10:02 AM)FangFang Wrote:  Cannot buy car now...

While it makes sense for the majority of the population in an urban setting to rely on public transportation, existing car owners are reluctant to part with something that has become an extension of themselves, and not merely a means of transportation. Adults view personal possessions as reflecting how they would like to see themselves. Car ownership becomes the ultimate symbol of the emerging identities of young adults who have embarked on their careers. An adult’s first car becomes more than a possession without feeling. It conveys their sense of self which reflects both who they are and where they aspire to be.

(18-10-2024, 10:08 AM)TopSage Wrote:  better buy you car now while COE is still at $100k mark

Based on current prices, we have reached the day when only the top earners are able to possess a set of 4 wheels. This in fact, makes car ownership even more attractive to those who can afford it.

They should let the buyers bid for the coe. They should make it illegal for car agents to bid for potential buyers. They always bid high and higher because the buyers are paying and not the car dealers.

Get it?

(18-10-2024, 11:14 AM)Stoki Wrote:  They should let the buyers bid for the coe. They should make it illegal for car agents to bid for potential buyers. They always bid high and higher because the buyers are paying and not the car dealers. Get it?

Who is controlling the COE and laughing all the way to the bank? Get it?
[Image: Greedy.jpg]

(18-10-2024, 11:14 AM)Stoki Wrote:  They should let the buyers bid for the coe. They should make it illegal for car agents to bid for potential buyers. They always bid high and higher because the buyers are paying and not the car dealers.

Get it?

During 2009, there was a period where the coe is extremely low as a result of buyer bidding that's why after that they change the rules.

(18-10-2024, 11:14 AM)Stoki Wrote:  They should let the buyers bid for the coe. They should make it illegal for car agents to bid for potential buyers. They always bid high and higher because the buyers are paying and not the car dealers.

Get it?

99% of COE are bids through members of the Motor Traders Association. GET IT ?

want to know why coe remain so high and keep going up? 99% of COE bidding go through members of Singapore Vehicle Traders Association and Motor Traders Association. 

MTA members are responsible for majority of vehicles registered in Singapore each year.


Singapore Vehicle Traders Association 

[Image: 322601308-592958425993653-8424163086342030856-n.jpg]

[Image: svta-Sim-Ann.webp]

Sim Ann
Distinguished Advisor
Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Ministry of National Development, Deputy Government Whip

Motor Traders Association
Motor Image Enterprises Pte Ltd

Vice President
Cycle & Carriage Industries Pte Ltd

Hon. Secretary
Trans Eurokars Pte Ltd

Hon. Treasurer
Kah Motor Co Sdn Bhd

Committee Member
Borneo Motors (S) Pte Ltd

Committee Member
EuroSports Auto Pte Ltd

Committee Member
Vantage Automotive Limited

Committee Member
Wearnes Automotive Pte Ltd

If they can ban bubble gum, they can ban cars.

(18-10-2024, 04:25 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  If they can ban bubble gum, they can ban cars.

Why ban cars, cigarettes and liquor when the govt can tax drivers, smokers and alcoholics to death?
[+] 1 user Likes EvertonDiehard's post

ban car for the low and middle income only
(18-10-2024, 04:25 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  If they can ban bubble gum, they can ban cars.
[+] 1 user Likes TopSage's post

(21-10-2024, 10:26 AM)TopSage Wrote:  ban car for the low and middle income only

Cars bring in billions in taxes compared to the humble bubble gum.

[Image: Dollars.jpg]

F k ing garment.

Smile LOL RICH people don't even bother how much COE go how high in fact.

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