The question is whether gas will then flow through the pipe to Germany again.

The President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, fears a total failure of Russian gas supplies and appeals to the population to save energy. The question is whether the upcoming regular maintenance of the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline "will become a longer-lasting political maintenance," said Müller to the newspapers of the Funke media group.

Müller called on all house and apartment owners to have their gas condensing boilers and radiators checked quickly and adjusted efficiently. "Maintenance can reduce gas consumption by 10 to 15 percent," he said. "It has to happen now and not just in the fall."

Habeck: Blockade possible from July 11th
Companies should procure emergency generatorsTo prevent the gas shortage from escalating, the federal government recommends that companies purchase emergency generators.

Henkel plans home office to save gas

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