The substitute chef at Baolin Teahouse's stool tested positive for bonker acid

Taiwan's Deputy Minister of Health and Welfare Wang Pi-sheng revealed today that a Vietnamese chef's feces tested positive for bunkeric acid, but his blood test results were negative. 

This aroused the suspicion of medical expert Jiang Guanyu.

Taken together, it is still judged that the food poisoning incident occurred in a specific restaurant within a specific period of time and did not spread to other places.

Therefore, it is speculated that the substitute chef did not eat contaminated ingredients at the time, and may have only ingested a very small amount of toxins due to contaminated hands, which led to the positive fecal test.

Omg west china so jialat one... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

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