There is no safe place in Ukraine any more

I was awake at night when I got a message from a colleague about Vladimir Putin's speech announcing an invasion. 

Then immediately the explosions began. I could hear them from my home, and people in different parts of the city started sending messages to our WhatsApp group, about explosions happening close to them.

To realise that Kyiv itself was under attack, not the front line in the east of the country, was a big shock.

There is no safe place in Ukraine any more.

The biggest fear for ordinary people here is running out of electricity and  the internet not working - then we would be really isolated. Another fear is that bridges over the Dnieper river will be bombed, dividing the eastern and western halves of the city.

The explosions continued for about 30 minutes.

I dressed my 10-year-old son. We had some breakfast, sitting as far from the windows as we could, but he was so scared he vomited. We took a candle and some water to our cellar, which will be our refuge if things get worse. 

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Not true lah!


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