Think PAP is doing a good job of HDB? Think again.

If you go beyond the usual "no blame" attitude whenever PAP fails, this ST article states that 14,600 units were produced in 2019.  However, demand was 38,500 units in 2018. 

That is to say, that production is only 37% of the previous year's demand. PAP will of course, blame the pandemic for production numbers not keeping up with demand- but they have NO excuse for 2019.

This shows either a failure in planning, or an intentional tactic PAP is using to restrict supply in order to drive property prices up.

HDB is a shining example of a PAP institution that has lost its way.

PAP refused to plan again

Then why OVER- issue EP to FTs

to come here during Endemic

to jack- up the HDB prices?


The current population of Singapore is 5,951,819 as of September 06, 2022

The population of Singapore is 5,908,665 as of Saturday, October 9, 2021

Singapore population is estimated at 5,850,342 people as at June 2020

Singapore's population stood at 5.70 million as of June 2019

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

Actually, SG so small, no mountains and no natural disasters

They just need to find a small plot of land and build HDB

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

huh isn't that obvious what you trying to say

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