This Japanese City Has Enforced A Ban On Walking On Escalators

Notably, it is usual in Japan for people on escalators to stand still on the left side and leave the right side for people to walk up or down. 

However, authorities are now hoping that people stand still on either side at train stations and other buildings.

A total of 805 escalator accidents were categorised as being caused by "improper use" between 2018 and 2019, as per Japan Times.

Some of these posters feature cartoons on escalators, with messages like, ''Let's stop and get on both right and left'' and ''When using escalators, stop and use both the right and left sides. It's my duty!''

Nagoya is the second city in Japan to introduce such an ordinance. In October 2021, Saitama Prefecture also prohibited any movement while riding escalators. The ordinance asked places with escalators to put signage asking riders to refrain from walking or running on the machines.

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