This year's PSLE Maths exam has left many kids broken and dejected

According to the voluminous rants posted on the Ministry of Education's Facebook page this year's PSLE Maths exam (recently held on 1 October) was an utter abomination; numerous parents recounted how their kids teared up on the spot or pummeled their desks out of severe frustration because of the inexplicably tough questions encountered, then there were those who shared that some candidates literally "begged" for a time extension so they could complete their papers. Even more lamented how they had to assiduously prop up crushed spirits and inconsolable souls during the immediate aftermath of the exam itself, in certain cases to no avail. Did the education ministry go overboard, or were folks just making a mountain out of a molehill? Have a gander at the screenshots provided below, and decide accordingly. Regardless, here's hoping the remaining papers wouldn't end up being as eventful as this.
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Evewn do well not good enough for many jobs that we have to bring in foreigners to fill!..

So what is all the pressure and competition for?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

spent too much time on computer and hp, din pay attention in class and din do homework. simple maths aso cant do, how to compet?

parents' fault lah. must get a big stick and whack them jialat jialat if see them play games again

A. Both have same no. of coins...
Helen has 40 more 50c... 40x30c?

B. Ivan has 40 less 50c... 2.7x40=108g 

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

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