Tiongkok hit hard by the new Covid wave


Chennai News Asia?!


Is this to be unexpected? It should be obvious to all that their healthcare system will be overwhelmed. Even Singapore during its worst point of the pandemic encountered severe shortage of beds and medical staff, what more China.

But then this is what the Chinese people want, since they protest against the lockdown. So this is what they will get.
[+] 1 user Likes Blasterlord2's post

(22-12-2022, 11:08 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Is this to be unexpected? It should be obvious to all that their healthcare system will be overwhelmed. Even Singapore during its worst point of the pandemic encountered severe shortage of beds and medical staff, what more China.

But then this is what the Chinese people want, since they protest against the lockdown. So this is what they will get.
It will be a terrible situation if one is in a lockdown........there is no freedom of movement, and also it will affect the country's economy.......... Clapping

[Image: 1671368778823-1671368774604-PHOTO-2022-1...-26-32.jpg]
https://media.tenor.com/XvJfOBkN33MAAAAM...a-tapa.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif


[Image: BBDC94-C0-73-BD-4024-AFD0-7-CAC9-F962142.gif]

ownself create virus ownself kanna


TS cham liao no beds for your parents hor
Cheo kau peng hor.
https://media.tenor.com/np49Y1vrJO8AAAAM/crying-cry.gif https://media.tenor.com/6CujUsC1CIkAAAAM...olated.gif https://media.tenor.com/UIXwsWt9n9cAAAAM...crying.gif

(22-12-2022, 11:08 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Is this to be unexpected? It should be obvious to all that their healthcare system will be overwhelmed. Even Singapore during its worst point of the pandemic encountered severe shortage of beds and medical staff, what more China.

But then this is what the Chinese people want, since they protest against the lockdown. So this is what they will get.
Actually I thought they would be better prepared dis time round [even more equipped dan Sinpwn]  as many makeshift hospitals were erected the 1st time.

(22-12-2022, 11:24 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Actually I thought they would be better prepared dis time round [even more equipped dan Sinpwn]  as many makeshift hospitals were erected the 1st time.

I   remember seeing a video clip of China's construction of a large makeshift hospital, and they can build it a 1,000 bed hospital in 10 days.......... Clapping
[+] 1 user Likes debono's post


(22-12-2022, 11:18 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202212/1282404.shtml

[Image: BBDC94-C0-73-BD-4024-AFD0-7-CAC9-F962142.gif]

https://media.tenor.com/XvJfOBkN33MAAAAM...a-tapa.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/DfeD1UDjtXMAAAAM...-biden.gif

Ah tiongs are wearing better PPEs dan us. I dun understand how come the virus is still so hiong.

TS jjww liao his grandparents got no bed hor
https://media.tenor.com/XvJfOBkN33MAAAAM...a-tapa.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/DfeD1UDjtXMAAAAM...-biden.gif

Work in lawyer office kopi kia Tamby very happy hor
https://media.tenor.com/XvJfOBkN33MAAAAM...a-tapa.gif https://media.tenor.com/DgdiLkQcPFEAAAAM...linton.gif https://media.tenor.com/DfeD1UDjtXMAAAAM...-biden.gif

(22-12-2022, 11:32 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Ah tiongs are wearing better PPEs dan us. I dun understand how come the virus is still so hiong.

I suspect that the Covid  virus, had mutated there, and thence it is much more difficult to control it.......... Clapping

[Image: 65-C7-A73-D-15-DF-4-EC9-A5-D4-F5-A923-B55665.jpg]

[Image: ABD938-ED-1-A95-47-E2-9965-4-B9513-A48-A46.jpg]

[Image: 7-D7-D09-B3-A07-B-4-EC1-B97-A-4-D4-AA509-CCA6.jpg]

Amdk lickers stooge’s buay song hor your daddies sei bay malu hor

(22-12-2022, 11:32 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Ah tiongs are wearing better PPEs dan us. I dun understand how come the virus is still so hiong.

This virus is very contagious. And not true that they have better PPEs. I think about half of my relatives there already kenna. Sooner or later all will get it. But now it's still early stage for them. I was told that their restaurants, roads, shopping malls etc are all devoid of people now. Same as our situation one plus year ago. 

No matter how equipped they are this will happen so there shouldn't be any surprises.

Will the blaming cycle repeat? 3 plus 3 / 2019-2022/2023-2026. nfj.
"NO PEAK NO DIP" again?

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