Watch Happy Israeli Soldiers Dance with AK-47


No problem with that.. they are a fun-loving people. After dealing with these people for many years, I only have these words to describe them - 不拘小节。Of cos, doesn't apply to money matters cos they're calculative like hell lol.
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(20-10-2023, 10:53 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  No problem with that.. they are a fun-loving people. After dealing with these people for many years, I only have these words to describe them - 不拘小节。Of cos, doesn't apply to money matters cos they're calculative like hell lol.

Bro, you dealt with Israeli Jews or Euro /AMDK Jews? Middle Easterners [with the exception of wealthy arabs] I find are beri calculating as iz their right.

(20-10-2023, 11:35 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Bro, you dealt with Israeli Jews or Euro /AMDK Jews? Middle Easterners [with the exception of wealthy arabs] I find are beri calculating as iz their right.

I have interacted with Jews who migrated from all over the world to Israel.

Sorry, will only comment on their women Smile 

Russian Jews are the prettiest (in fact the prettiest women I've ever seen are from Russia). Eastern Europe Jews not so. But one common thing is women who grow up in Israel have big neh neh Smile I attribute it to their diet.

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