Today's weather report

Today's weather forecast: 26 degrees C, and Partly sunny.  A good day to go jogging, brisk walking, swimming or golfing.

Thursday was also 26 degrees but felt like 40 degrees in the afternoon.

Morning awake already so warm, bring my dog , he is so happy

These few days rain was cancelled after heard thunders tot shiok

No weapons that forms against me shall prosper
No tongue that rises against me I shall condemn 

Indonesia got report of earthquake
reports of 6.5 to7 on the richter scale
we presume she is being attacked by Haarp
we notice RT channel402 on the indochannel missing
all others like RTeuro RTamerica all permanent repairings
only RT moscow now live.
Lavrov war bar from UN meet.
our food sources from Indochina r being attacked

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