China. FDI falls to record lows...

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

This slot reserve for Pukimak the amdk arse lickers stooge’s to come in also ahbutt clone cheo kau peng

Stupid anti-China thread.  

If 2022 FDI in China is record high, do you expect every year break historical high? So 2023, record high again?  

No lah, it won't happen that way.  

[Image: FDI231030.png]

LOL! China economy already dying and collapsing. Ah tiongs are very poor now with no jobs.

Everyone is decoupling from third world china. Now their situation is very bad.

cult leader xi need to beg his ang moh russian father for money and oil.

Speak for yourself! If you are Singaporean why are you so bother about China & HK? Are you hurting? Why daily post unverified news about China? What's your intent? Your agenda?

Many of us forumers here are not simply defending any countries but rather to correct the lies the disinformation misinformation and biased view of certain countries by forumers here.

Let me ask you - why is China building the HSR in Indonesia a DEBT TRAP but not Japan building the HSR in India? Why is the funding of the railway construction in Philippines by India is not debt trap but something great! Isn't India funding the railway construction in Philippines a debt trap???

Why the double standard!?

Now do you comprehend why so many forumers continually post the corrections in response to your skewed views of certain countries!

Don't blame others - please go and do some self reflect?

One more question I have for you - notice when Israel bombed Gaza and news leaked out about the many Palestinian who died - nearly every country plus UN were in uproar - but notice when US & UK accused China of committing genocide in Xinjiang only US UK EU Australia Japan screamed genocide - BUT NONE of the Middle East Malaysia Indonesia the entire African continent including UN not a word .... yet YOU sgbutt believe!!!! Do you have solid evidence?! Were you in Xinjiang??? So how did you confirm about the genocide!? Merely regurgitated from the lies of the western MSM??

Please go and do self reflect!

To Pukimak ahbutt the amdk arse lickers stooge’s need to say more cheo kau peng

【字幕】林毅夫教授:日本衰退30年是因為美國刻意打壓?中國經濟為何能不斷增長 不步日本後塵?《名家演講錄》(2023-11-06)

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