Top Korean YouTuber apologises, removes 'racially insensitive' video

#trending: Top Korean YouTuber apologises, removes 'racially insensitive' video said to mock Filipinos

One Instagram user said: "I think it's really disappointing and distasteful making fun of Filipinos and generalising how we fetishise your K-drama, culture and even making fun of our accent."



Actually, pinoy whores as a race has no culture.
The below races have traditional new year except scum pinoys
Chinese got CNY
Malay got Harry Raya
Indian got Deepavali
Japanese & Korean traditionally follow CNT
Thai, Loas, Myanmar … if not wrong its Songkran

KTV妹妹说,香港人无义,台湾人无情,新加坂人无智 Big Grin

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