Forum: How stereotyping stands in the way of hiring seniors

PG/MG should enjoy life like those in Tiong, doing street dancing not working.

(23-02-2024, 10:28 AM)forum456 Wrote:

Proposals for the Govt to encourage employers to retain older workers by introducing tax deductions, subsidies for approved training courses and re-employment wage credits appear good on paper. However, as long as there are no specific anti-discrimination laws in place, competent older workers are not receiving adequate protection from discrimination based on their age rather than their ability; those affected by forced lay-offs will consider making official complaints nothing but a waste of time. 

(23-02-2024, 11:02 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  PG/MG should enjoy life like those in Tiong, doing street dancing not working.

Our current generation of older workers are developing their creativity and sharpening their abilities through retraining and reskilling to give them an edge and measure of longevity at the workplace. While retirement is as inevitable as the relentless passage of time, it is still better to leave it up to seniors to decide when to call time on their careers.

(23-02-2024, 11:02 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  PG/MG should enjoy life like those in Tiong, doing street dancing not working.

Our very hot weather, our typhoon rains and our overcrowded spaces including parks, prevent many seniors from going outdoors, except to malls, coffeeshops and hawker centres


(23-02-2024, 01:10 PM)Gstalk Wrote:  Our very hot weather, our typhoon rains and our overcrowded spaces including parks, prevent many seniors from going outdoors, except to malls, coffeeshops and hawker centres

Seniors in temperate countries seem to live a far better quality of life after retirement. 

(23-02-2024, 01:10 PM)Gstalk Wrote:  Our very hot weather, our typhoon rains and our overcrowded spaces including parks, prevent many seniors from going outdoors, except to malls, coffeeshops and hawker centres

Tan Chuan-Jin claims that the elderly in SG are rich enough not to work, so those collecting used cardboard are doing so for exercise.  

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