Train Fault on SMRT Circle Line today

Ah Chee where are you? Hiding under the carpet or buat bodoh?

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Must be very stressful for people going to work.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
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MRT is queing up one- by- one to breakdown

Tat- Tat do not have 5 MINS Service Level

to inform all commuters?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
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(11-02-2025, 10:03 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Must be very stressful for people going to work.
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(11-02-2025, 09:41 AM)forum456 Wrote:

They should drive their own car to work today.

If no break down then I worry

"An intense debate dominated Singapore’s social media late last month over whether people should shower in the morning, especially if they are taking public transport to work."

Throw him under the bus

Pay too highly for the management and IT worker yet neglected the engineer importance. Ultimately left with no local engineer , then blame we have no talent!
Dun complain since majority always admire and praise those who can speak well but cannot work.
[+] 1 user Likes Ernesto's post

chee hong kia is fücking cursed ever since it started all the jackheammering anywhere everywhere disturbing the common people mental well being

more to come and it will be much more...

frequent MRT breakdown means passengers have increased.

passenger increase means population has increased.

should be over 6 millions heading towards 6.5 millions by year end.
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Alstom, French company swallowed by Assmerica by force! 

Now, it should be called "Assmerican company"!  Rotfl

Quote:SMRT added that French train maker ALSTOM has developed a software patch to address this issue. The patch is scheduled for installation on Saturday.
Quote:"That facilitated the buyout of 70 per cent of Alstom by its main American competitor General Electric.... 


(11-02-2025, 09:41 AM)forum456 Wrote:

1 day ALL lines will breakdown together lah! Big Grin Just wait for that day lah!
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(11-02-2025, 12:50 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  1 day ALL lines will breakdown together lah! Big Grin Just wait for that day lah!

When that day arrives, nobody will kena hara kiri lah. They will blame the nature and other things but not themselves.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

I thought our minister very capable one? Even more capable than company CEO lor bcoz earn as high as CEO mah. Like this small problem cannot solve meh?


Cannot solve problem how come can still get paid millions? Hmmm hmmm

I am just a tiny plankton in the ocean.

(11-02-2025, 12:57 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  When that day arrives, nobody will kena hara kiri lah. They will blame the nature and other things but not themselves.

I prefer to take buses lah! Big Grin Although longer time and distance but can alight at any stop lah!

Meanwhile fare increases every year.
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