The 22 Arab countries at the UN demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza

[Image: IMG-0379.png]

Usually Israel don't care one; last time UN asked also no heed till few days later than stopped.

(18-10-2023, 12:05 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  Usually Israel don't care one; last time UN asked also no heed till few days later than stopped.

Correct. There are only that many hospitals in Palestine. So Israel just need to make sure to bomb all the hospitals make sure no medical facilities so Palestinian will die of illness since no medical and doctor and equipment etc. This is good strategy as can save some smaller bullets, shells, for later battling with Hamas.

(18-10-2023, 03:00 PM)sgh Wrote:  Correct. There are only that many hospitals in Palestine. So Israel just need to make sure to bomb all the hospitals make sure no medical facilities so Palestinian will die of illness since no medical and doctor and equipment etc. This is good strategy as can save some smaller bullets, shells, for later battling with Hamas.

No water, no electricity, no medical supplies, many hospitals are already on verge of collapse, the bombing  makes it even worse, bodies are piled up and hundreds of injured people can’t be treated, some of them may die from injuries. Israel also bombed the border exit between Egypt & Gaza and roads to block international aids to go in…and doesn’t want to guarantee the safety of international volunteers who deliver the goods.

(18-10-2023, 03:03 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  No water, no electricity, no medical supplies, many hospitals are already on verge of collapse, the bombing  makes it even worse, bodies are piled up and hundreds of injured people can’t be treated, some of them may die from injuries. Israel also bombed the border exit between Egypt & Gaza and roads to block international aids to go in…and doesn’t want to guarantee the safety of international volunteers who deliver the goods.

They are trying to do what Hitler failed previously and that is the annihilation of an entire race. Genocide some may say but they don't care becuz US got their back covered.

Who ask Hamas to start first by fired those 5000 rockets into Israel leh....? Knowing it will retaliate...

(18-10-2023, 03:14 PM)ysh02 Wrote:  Who ask Hamas to start first  by fired those 5000 rockets into Israel leh....? Knowing it will retaliate...

Israel because got big daddy USA behind then so yaya. When USA collapsed u see they will be so kuai lan or not

...none of them wanna meet POTUS who was scheduled to fly from Washington asap  just to talk to them  ???? Frustrated

You've got friendly neighbours? Grow Up! 李光耀 2013

Biden flies there not for peace but to support Israel to continue fighting the war so that he can get credit for his election. Blinken visited a few Arab countries in the region asking them not to interfere. He told Netanyahu he is a Jewish American.

Go UN and make demand is waste of time knowing that UN is another useless setup and an American puppet. It is better and more exciting for these 22 Arab countries to get together and give Israel a dateline like 2200 hours GMT 19 Oct to cease all operations against Gaza or a coordinate attack on TEL Aviv will be carried out simultaneously.  Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

(18-10-2023, 03:35 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Go UN and make demand is waste of time knowing that UN is another useless setup and an American puppet. It is better and more exciting for these 22 Arab countries to get together and give Israel a dateline like 2200 hours GMT 19 Oct to cease all operations against Gaza or a coordinate attack on TEL Aviv will be carried out simultaneously.  Big Grin

Beat dog must always see the owner behind. The correct strategy is to concurrently mount 911 on their homelands to divert their attention and affect their troops morale besides targeting Tel Aviv. Then Israel really only they alone and we see how they fight without help from master behind.

Israel can take two fronts ....maybe cannot tahan combined 22 Arab countries....but USA two aircraft carriers outside think they don't dare to fight one..

(18-10-2023, 03:38 PM)sgh Wrote:  Beat dog must always see the owner behind. The correct strategy is to concurrently mount 911 on their homelands to divert their attention and affect their troops morale besides targeting Tel Aviv. Then Israel really only they alone and we see how they fight without help from master behind.

Like that the war will become more exciting.    Big Grin

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

They should have demanded that Hamas be wiped out and Palestine Gaza hold an election to elect a new Gov. Hamas Gov is barred if they are not wiped out.

(18-10-2023, 03:57 PM)Stoki Wrote:  They should have demanded that Hamas be wiped out and Palestine Gaza hold an election to elect a new Gov. Hamas Gov is barred if they are not wiped out.

If Israel doesn’t want to cease fire, how to talk? While millions of Palestinians have no water, no gas, no electricity, no medical supplies and no food and sleep on the streets as their homes are all destroyed by the air strikes, bodies are piled up and hundreds of thousands are injured, how to hold election like that? What Israel wants is not only destroy Hamas but get rid of Palestinians from their land, either kill them as many as possible or force them flee to Egypt as refugees. Netanyahu is from extreme right government, which promotes Israeli Supremacy and wants to take over all the lands currently under Palestinian people.

(18-10-2023, 03:35 PM)Huliwang Wrote:  Go UN and make demand is waste of time knowing that UN is another useless setup and an American puppet. It is better and more exciting for these 22 Arab countries to get together and give Israel a dateline like 2200 hours GMT 19 Oct to cease all operations against Gaza or a coordinate attack on TEL Aviv will be carried out simultaneously.  Big Grin

Israel should make an agreement. If Palestine attacks Israel the next time, all 22 Arab countries must agree to bomb Palestine.

Arabian countries so united meh.. if 50 yrs ago Israel won't exist already.... NATO lah...

Arab countries should stop any oil sales to Israel.

Any countries who middlemen and sell to Israel will be sanctioned. Like India the snake oil middleman.


(18-10-2023, 03:00 PM)sgh Wrote:  Correct. There are only that many hospitals in Palestine. So Israel just need to make sure to bomb all the hospitals make sure no medical facilities so Palestinian will die of illness since no medical and doctor and equipment etc. This is good strategy as can save some smaller bullets, shells, for later battling with Hamas.
Israel-Hamas war live updates: Biden says there is evidence Israel not behind Gaza hospital blast; Hamas says U.S. ‘blindly biased’

(18-10-2023, 12:02 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  [Image: IMG-0379.png]

walan, if call you name them u sure fail your exam,

hope exam got no this question name the 22 countries..

This is Israel War with Hamas Terrorists. Israel released video Hamas start massacre killing.

If the US is smart, it should not go in. It can then reserve its firepower for China. There are a lot of countries. The ground is shaky.

22 Arab nations must asked Hamas what happen to Gaza Hospital blast and all the killing?.

Someone read the reports, that the Middle-East Countries are unhappy.

Why can't they stay together happily ? One god only....

Play the video where hamas shoot and killed Israeli girls hiding under the table

Hamas, a Sunni group, is elected by the people of Gaza. It is linked to the regional countries including Iran, a Shia group.

Israel's position is a position about survival, either you survive or you perish in future. Currently, their position is that there are no 2 states but 1 state that dominates these areas.

If wide war breaks out, the Arab countries will likely block the oil and the world will feel the pain. An attack on Hamas will mean the left and right sides of the Arab countries. Thus, you can see the displeasure from the moderate countries in the Middle East.

Suddenly so solidatary after arrival of our PM in saudi ...

How cum the 22 Arab cuntries never apologise to the people of Palestine for supporting the terrorists who bombed the palestine hospital?

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