Tulsa shooting highlights vulnerability of hospitals


Hospitals, like schools, are not typically designed to guard against the threat of a determined gunman entering the building to take lives.

The vulnerability of health care facilities was highlighted by a shooter who killed four people and then himself Wednesday at a hospital in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The assailant got inside a building on the Saint Francis Hospital campus with little trouble, just hours after buying an AR-style rifle


From 2000 to 2011, there were 154 hospital-related shootings


The attacks resulted in 235 people wounded or killed


Even before the 2019 shooting at Chicago Mercy, the hospital had begun training employees about what to do during an active gunman situation. That included instructions on retreating into rooms, locking doors and turning out lights.

Training sessions at the hospital that were held annually before the 2019 shooting are now held four times a year


Out of concern about people entering with guns, some hospitals have also installed metal detectors.


Nurses complain that patients entering with guns are far too common.

“They did that after someone brought in a semi-automatic weapon and was actually making a video on his phone about how he was going to kill nurses,” said Paul Pater, a nurse at the hospital.


besides real shootings, bomb threats and evacuations are aso quite common.

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