Two very rare COVID vaccine side effects detected in global study of 99 million

bet the follow up period of the study not long enough to capture all the turbo cancer and chronic cases... Tongue

once chiu all insist on a proper autopsy with immuno-histochemical staining for the vaccine generated spike protein in the affected organs, all will be clear as the day!

don't dare to do means still trying to HIDE... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

(09-03-2024, 12:53 PM)Geneco Wrote:  bet the follow up period of the study not long enough to capture all the turbo cancer and chronic cases... Tongue

once chiu all insist on a proper autopsy with immuno-histochemical staining for the vaccine generated spike protein in the affected organs, all will be clear as the day!

don't dare to do means still trying to HIDE... Tongue

Recently a lot Establish News agency , media already openly mention Side effect of Covi19 vaccine.

Our Side SG Govt? Media? Don't report. lol. Is indeed our Govt is " Money talks first , Your Life is NON Their concern in fact is a Bunden for them " ....

LKY used to say , " Yes we are obess with profit look around you those buildings etc " Yes BUT I Preferring NOW This current PAP is Already HARD CORE ADDICTED TO MONEY

(09-03-2024, 12:57 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Recently a lot Establish News agency , media already openly mention Side effect of Covi19 vaccine.

Our Side SG Govt? Media? Don't report. lol.

pfizer still in SG promoting "healthier" lifestyle to the useful idiots... Tongue

till today none still dare to GPGT their latest mRNA jab on EDMW or SGTALK... Tongue

mouth berry hard, but body ish honest... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

(09-03-2024, 12:59 PM)Geneco Wrote:  pfizer still in SG promoting "healthier" lifestyle to the useful idiots... Tongue

till today none still dare to GPGT their latest mRNA jab on EDMW or SGTALK... Tongue

mouth berry hard, but body ish honest... Tongue

I feel A lot Project is a ' failure end of the day get owned by foreigner investors. "

For an example that producing of Fake meat. Look now? what happen?

Origin in the first place they intro in their own countries but end of the day those Westerners folks don't fancy eating Fake meat. So these companies go venture Asia and come SG.

Likewise for Pfizer , I mean those foreigner investors come SG , have to see . Quite a lot they fail in their own countries thus they venture out sea to see which " dumb country invite them welcome them and as usual Our SG is the one "

On surface claim create Jobs , is NOT true , end of the day how many Local been employ?

(09-03-2024, 01:06 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  I feel A lot Project is a ' failure end of the day get owned by foreigner investors. "

For an example that producing of Fake meat.  Look now? what happen?

Origin in the first place they intro in their own countries but end of the day those Westerners folks don't fancy eating Fake meat. So these companies go venture Asia and come SG.

Likewise for Pfizer ,  I mean those foreigner investors come SG , have to see . Quite a lot they fail in their own countries thus they venture out sea to see which " dumb country invite them welcome them and as usual Our SG is the one "

On surface claim create Jobs , is NOT true , end of the day how many Local been employ?

fake meat too atas riao... Tongue

count on the normies to jiak the insects instead LOLOLOLOL.... Tongue

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth” – Buddha.

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