Two-way quarantine-free travel with Denmark is off

Travellers from Singapore, reclassified as high-risk country, must serve self-isolation period upon arrival.

Singapore residents will no longer able to enjoy two-way quarantine-free travel with Denmark, after the country reclassified Singapore as a country with a high risk of Covid-19 infections.

Owing to the reclassification, travellers from Singapore will have to serve a 10-day self-isolation period upon arrival in Denmark, the embassy of Denmark said yesterday in a Facebook  post. 

This isolation period can be shortened if a travellerhas negative result from a Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction test which can be taken from the fourth day after his entry.

Singapore announced vaccinated travel lanes (VTLs) to Europe in the past two months for Denmark, Italy, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland and Britain.  The VTLs with these countries are unilateral moves by Singapore...

They let travellers who are vaccinated against Covid-19 enter Singapore without having to serve a stay-home notice.

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper

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