Type of human bias

Type of human bias

Meta AI: There are many types of human biases, including:

1. *Confirmation Bias*: The tendency to seek out information that confirms our existing beliefs.

2. *Anchoring Bias*: The tendency to rely too heavily on the first piece of information we receive.

3. *Availability Bias*: The tendency to overestimate the importance of information that is readily available.

4. *Hindsight Bias*: The tendency to believe, after an event has occurred, that we would have predicted it.

5. *Selective Bias*: The tendency to selectively seek out information that supports our beliefs.

6. *Self-Serving Bias*: The tendency to attribute our successes to our own abilities and our failures to external factors.

7. *Optimism Bias*: The tendency to be overly optimistic about the future.

8. *Sunk Cost Fallacy*: The tendency to continue investing in a decision because of the resources we have already committed.

9. *Framing Effect*: The tendency to be influenced by the way in which information is presented.

10. *Salience Bias*: The tendency to overestimate the importance of information that is salient or vivid.

11. *Recency Bias*: The tendency to give too much weight to recent events and ignore historical context.

12. *Illusion of Control*: The tendency to overestimate our ability to control events.

13. *Bandwagon Effect*: The tendency to follow the crowd and do what others are doing.

14. *Halo Effect*: The tendency to generalize a positive impression of a person or thing, based on a single trait or characteristic.

15. *Affect Heuristic*: The tendency to make decisions based on how we expect to feel in the future, rather than on a careful evaluation of the evidence.

These biases are not exhaustive, but they are some of the most common ones that have been identified.

It is noticeable that cronies or other sub-par individuals in a company are often graded favourably even though they may actually not be performing, but end up promoted as they pose no threat to the senior management. Outstanding staff may find themselves in the average range as insecure leaders may not want these individuals entering the succession plan for their position. Human bias is often seen at workplaces everywhere.
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