U.S.A. going mad

Andrew Mitrovica
Published On 6 May 2022
6 May 2022


America dominates in the familiar ways: money, power, and the 24-hour news cycle.

And the news is bad, bad, bad.


From 9/11 on, in particular. Year after year. President after president. A war, then another. Death. Lost hope and homes. Secret dungeons. Torture and other violations – big and small. Explosions of hate, violence and ignorance. Twenty-six children massacred at school. Their murders “a hoax.” A 100 percent proof fascist riding an escalator into the presidency. More explosions of hate, violence and ignorance. A white police officer kneeling on a Black man’s neck for eight minutes and 46 seconds. Disinfectants and other fantastical potions to tame a plague. An insurrection in defence of a lie.

It never ends.

The latest convulsion occurred earlier this week. Five men and one woman in black robes have apparently decided to do what they once promised, under oath, not to do: overturn a Supreme Court ruling delivered 49 years ago that guaranteed a woman’s provenance over her body.

Precedent erased. Rights erased. Progress erased. Replaced by religious extremism masquerading as jurisprudence and a kind of authoritarianism that, unsurprisingly, has men dictating to women who has agency over their destiny.

In erasing Roe v Wade, Justice Samuel Alito and his rancid, right-wing confederates have revealed the other “big lie” about America – that it is a nation governed by the rule of law and not parochial passions.


The country – if America can be called that – is unmoored from reason. It is, instead, mired in a perpetual state of madness. Not all of it, mind you. Enlightened Americans have been made exiles inside America, watching as the rest of America goes mad.


I do not know if there is a fix, a prescription or a remedy for the madness that courses its malevolent way through America.

It may be too late.

Much better to read full article at: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/...ome-do-you


If they ve leaders like what they are having now, there is no surprise there will be such followers.
Blind leading the blind.

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