U.S. Wants China's SMIC to Stop Making 14nm Chips

By Anton Shilov published 1 day ago

When the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC) restricted access of China's largest contract chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC) to fab equipment used to make10nm-class chips, it was considered a tough but not too severe move. Now the U.S. government is mulling restricting China from producing logic chips using a 14nm-class fabrication process.


Interesting to know whether the U.S. Department of Commerce is just threatening or it is really serious about it. 

China would just ignore the IP licensing that the US companies might have about chip manufacturing but companies in other countries that manufacture and supply chip equipment globally might not want to break the licensing laws in their countries to supply the equipment to China.  The alternative is for China to make these equipment themselves in China. 

Understand that China recently announced that they can manufacture 16nm Lithographic machines used for chip manufacturing.  Quite sure they are also working on 14nm or lower machines.  Interesting to know how China will respond.


(09-07-2022, 07:39 PM)kokee Wrote:  let see can US make china biggest IC company, SMIC, close down!!
SMIC equipment mostly rely on US suppliers.
If SMIC game over, then china IC industry also almost game over!!

传老美要收拾中芯 北京跳脚抗议

to prevent technology transfer to SMIC, US block all IC manufacturing equipment to SMIC now, hope US also stop all spare parts used, sanction all country or company try to buy thru 3rd country for SMIC!!
I have put in my thread, if stop selling all US & western IC manufacturing equipment to china & SMIC, the best china can do themselves likely to be 90 nm or more, whole world know china cannot make precision parts, no skill & technology!!

美擬針對性限制出口 防「中芯國際」獲先進製程


【#世界越來越盧 下集】量跌價漲 晶片持續短缺!「芯片北約」成形 地緣力量壓制中國!台美日韓將聯手壟斷?! @中天新聞 20220707

as below, without all US & western IC manufacturing equipment, SMIC can only build 90 nm or worse IC?

TSMC also need lot of support from globally in order to produce their most advanced IC in the world, that is why TSMC also need US, TSMC biggest shareholder is also US.
equipment from holland & global company, material from japan, taiwan has excellent talents, supporting industry & manpower in IC manufacturing!!
wihtout global support, china probably can only do 90 nm & above IC, 30-40 yrs ago technology!!

打臉中國“芯片對抗”計畫, 以為打下台灣, 就能自造芯片? 為何台灣能造芯片, 中國卻不行的原因 !


(10-07-2022, 10:46 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

【#世界越來越盧 下集】量跌價漲 晶片持續短缺!「芯片北約」成形 地緣力量壓制中國!台美日韓將聯手壟斷?! @中天新聞 20220707
Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof 


孙子: 兵非贵益多也,惟无武进,足以并力料敌取人而已。夫惟无虑而易敌者,必擒于人

The last wording is interesting "夫惟无虑而易敌者,必擒于人".  It means if one has no foresight and acts rashly against the enemy will inevitably become the enemy's prisoner. 

If China is smart and understands XunZi,  it would have already prepared for this to happen.  Let's watch what will happen.

(10-07-2022, 10:42 AM)kokee Wrote:  to prevent technology transfer to SMIC, US block all IC manufacturing equipment to SMIC now, hope US also stop all spare parts used, sanction all country or company try to buy thru 3rd country for SMIC!!
I have put in my thread, if stop selling all US & western IC manufacturing equipment to china & SMIC, the best china can do themselves likely to be 90 nm or more, whole world know china cannot make precision parts, no skill & technology!!

美擬針對性限制出口 防「中芯國際」獲先進製程

Your fake news said SMIC to close down, right? Then why US wants SMIC to stop making 14 nm chips?   

You slap your own face lah.   

[Image: kokee25.png]

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