U.S. complains of "pain" from sanctions against Russia

U.S. complains of "pain" from sanctions against Russia

The U.S. and its European partners didn't expect the economic pressure that they are experiencing after the imposition of anti-Russian sanctions, states the New York Times in the article "The alliance led by the United States faces disappointment and pain because of sanctions against Russia".

In particular, energy prices in the United States and Europe have risen sharply after the refusal or the announced reduction of imports of Russian oil. At the same time, the newspaper notes, official Moscow in the face of sanctions pressure only increases its revenues from sales of oil and gas.

The fact is, the paper writes, citing Carnegie Endowment Vice President for Research Andrew Weiss, that the economies of Western countries are more vulnerable than their governments had assumed. The NYT also predicts that the Republican Party in the fall congressional midterm elections will "benefit" from the rising cost of living.

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