Europe keeps breaking heat records as fastest-warming continent

UPDATED JUN 20, 2023, 9:42 AM SGT

BRUSSELS – Europe had the warmest summer on record in 2022, contributing to thousands of deaths, marine heatwaves and extreme weather, an analysis has found.

The continent warmed to 2.3 deg C above the pre-industrial average in 2022


Overall climate and weather hazards led to 16,365 deaths, mostly relating to heatwaves, and caused US$2 billion (S$2.7 billion) in damage, largely connected with floods and storms.

“Summer was the hottest ever recorded: The high temperatures exacerbated the severe and widespread drought conditions, fuelled violent wildfires that resulted in the second-largest burnt area on record, and led to thousands of heat-associated excess deaths,” said Dr Petteri Taalas, secretary general of the WMO.

The report comes as scientists are already saying there is a good chance 2023 could be the hottest year on record globally.

Europe is the fastest-warming continent in the world, the report’s authors said.

It faces pressure on its energy and transport infrastructure as well as healthcare systems from extreme weather that has been exacerbated by climate change.

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