UK anti-drugs officer ‘smoke so much cannabis his flatmate thought he was a dealer’

Martin Evans
Tue, 1 August 2023 at 1:14 am SGT

A senior Metropolitan Police officer who drew up Scotland Yard’s anti-drug strategy smoked so much marijuana his flatmate thought he was a dealer, a misconduct panel has been told.

Cdr Julian Bennett used the drug every morning before work and also took LSD and magic mushrooms, according to a nurse who rented a room from him in 2019.

Sheila Gomes said the property was often so full of smoke that it resembled an “Amsterdam coffee shop”.

The Portuguese national, who lived with Mr Bennett for two months, said he was so “erratic and controlling” that she believed he was running a criminal enterprise.

Wow, that's quite the unexpected twist for a senior police officer! It's fascinating how people's personal lives can sometimes be so different from their professional roles.

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