UN chief rings alarm bell on global security threat from Gaza war


This is the first time that António Guterres has done this since he became Secretary-General in 2017. Article 99 states — and I quote — that “the Secretary-General may bring to the attention of the Security Council any matter which in his opinion may threaten the maintenance of international peace and security”.

I think we're getting to a point of near paralysis of our humanitarian operations in a place where 15,000 people have reportedly already died, where 130 of our colleagues have died. He does not use the word catastrophe lightly. And we very much hope that the Security Council will take his call to heed.


toking thr. the nose
the fear is Russia and China especially Putin is closing in
boPian has to invoke article 99
once fight with Putin not so easy
now is to push Gazans into Egypt and act blurr

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