US 4th COVID-19 shot: Who will need another booster soon

It’s an answer they acknowledge is frustrating for those concerned about the ever-evolving coronavirus. 

They could be super-charged boosters (such as a full dose of Moderna instead of the half dose being used as a booster now) or they may need doses more frequently, Conway said. Either way, the goal would be to maintain higher levels of antibodies in the more vulnerable elderly population.

But there are some things we know about who needs that extra protection now, and what we might expect next.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend some moderately and severely immunocompromised people 12 and older should get three primary shots of an mRNA vaccine (either Pfizer or Moderna) plus a fourth shot as their booster.

Conway said he wouldn’t be surprised if those 65 and older become the next group recommended to get another shot.

“I think everybody is well aware those two populations, immune-compromised and over-65s, need special attention and I will not be surprised at all if we end up in a situation where they get different recommendations,” he said.

If deemed necessary, the types of boosters older Americans get may change, too.

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