Israel's Health Ministry c'ttee approves third jab

The idea of the booster vaccination has gained momentum as data from both Pfizer and Israel's Ministry of Health show that the effectiveness of the first two vaccinations has waned over time and following the emergence of the now dominant Delta variant. Most of Israel's elderly received their second vaccination in January and the belief is that a booster jab will significantly increase antibodies.

He said, "There is a question of principle on whether we should now procure an expensive vaccination from Pfizer at a high price before it is approved or invest that money in other health and education options and wait for FDA approval.

Dr. Marom added, "If Pfizer wants this data before the approval, they should pay the State of Israel $100 million for its agreement to the trial and receive the agreement of the participants and recompense them, and ensure the supply of the vaccination free of charge for a year to the State of Israel."

Other experts disagree and say that it is in Israel's interests to be able to offer a booster dose.

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