US Federal Reserve: Rates are likely to stay higher for longer

Taking the printed money off the financial system.

The maximum limit of this “quantitative tightening” will fall from US$60 billion a month to a cap of US$25 billion, higher than the US$30 billion expected by financial markets.

It will only rise faster if even $1 is taken off

A higher interest rate means more money will flow to them for saving. Japan has a low-interest rate.

Imagine they take US$45 billion a month out of the financial system.

i don't think he said higher. rather stay current longer and all depends on data. ie he did not want to commit anything. just play by the situations.
yellen is saying inflation coming down. etc. so all of them playing different role to keep usd strong so that there is demand for their gov bond.
significant is fed to reduce treasury runoff $25b monthly. $35b mbs runoff. excess from mbs runoff will reinvest in the treasuries.
the other side. treasury may start to buy back treasuries. that will reduce their debt as some bond is trading at lower price compared to when they are issue. smart move.

Good for my T bills Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

PBC is lowering their rate and the exchange rate will widen. Can expect report from the West saying, PRC will never catch up on GDP. Just want to put in this prediction and must let USA shiok.

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