US Public Libraries Now Have To Deal With Hoax Bomb Threats Due to Cultural War

Nathalie Baptiste
Sep 23, 2022, 05:22 PM EDT

The Nashville Public Library system was forced to close its branches Thursday after receiving an anonymous bomb threat via email — the latest in a line of similar scares across the country recently.


“This is so common now. This is domestic terrorism,” Nashville Councilwoman Ginny Welsch told NewsChannel 5. “This is trying to make us all afraid, and a library is really the perfect target for this kind of stuff because it is a place of knowledge and information and history.”

Libraries nationwide have likewise received threats in past weeks, which tend to arrive over the internet from somewhere other than the targeted location


Earlier this month, Salt Lake City Public Library employees received a bomb threat that didn’t mention a specific branch


On Monday, a Fort Worth Public Library employee in Texas received three emails indicating a bomb threat


Then the Denver Public Library shuttered its branches Wednesday after receiving an “unspecified threat” overnight


Hoax threats appear to be an escalation of a conservative culture war that has taken off over the past year, with right-wing groups focusing their ire on public libraries for hosting events and books with LGBTQ or racial justice themes.
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