US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen pushed debt ceiling deadline to June 5

It was previously set for June 1. This extension of the deadline comes as an agreement seemed to be emerging.

Without an agreement by June 5, the United States would no longer be able to repay its creditors, nor pay the salaries of certain civil servants and the pensions of former soldiers, among others. 

The United States could therefore no longer be able to reimburse the holders of American Treasury bonds, the king of investments in global finance.

It is just a kiddy’s play…despite of the tension between the two parties, everyone knows both sides will seal a deal at last minute, good opportunity for traders to short and make profit…nothing scary nothing new lah…sadly the debt ceiling keeps going up and up, the U.S. garment spends money it doesn’t have and is unable to pay back the debt, every president kicks the can down the road…now reached 31 trillion, 10 years later will be 41 trillion or more…keep printing money and selling more bonds for other nations to buy.

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