Some Swedes Upset Documentary Accurately Portrays Ice Age Ancestors with Dark Skin

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What they found are Earthlings, the Ang Moh Kow were from another Planet. Earth Climate is not suitable for light skin production.

10,000 years and before , there were only dark skin earthlings here. The Ang Moh Gow appeared only much later like 2500 years ago. If we use birth of Christ as a gauge, which is 2000 years, the Ang Moh only appeared on Earth around 500 years later. Modern Scientists simply are kumgongkias.

Earth does not belong to the Ang Moh monkeys...who mislead you Earthlings that you are monkeys, They are the real monkeys from another planet, who brought technology and chaos here.

singlion suspects aFRIca cumming had seen better days in the distant past. In the area where ahQua resides dat Zelensky, we have clues like the Caucasion mountains. We call them caucasions AngMo.
The French have them living off aFRIca now cannot so much so kena Bedbugs cannot function when food source energy become less.

(14-11-2023, 05:34 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  10,000 years and before , there were only dark skin earthlings here. The Ang Moh Gow appeared only much later like 2500 years ago. If we use birth of Christ as a gauge, which is 2000 years, the Ang Moh only appeared on Earth around 500 years later. Modern Scientists simply are kumgongkias.

Even Jesus had darker skin tone similar to Arabs, so called olive skin.

No wonder my nether regions still dark dark huan Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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