US: When Three Shots Are Not Enough

Ms. Ricks, 49, a kidney transplant recipient who takes immune-suppressing medication, did not develop antibodies after her first two Moderna shots.

In June, without disclosing she already had received the Moderna shots, she got a dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine before federal health officials had approved anyone for a third shot.

Armed with a doctor’s note explaining that she had not developed antibodies, Ms. Ricks convinced a pharmacist to give her two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine over the summer.

“She kept saying, ‘There’s no clinical data here,’” Ms. Ricks recalled. “And I said, ‘Hey, I am the clinical data.’”

Higher levels of antibodies seem to correlate with better protection against the virus, but researchers are not sure exactly what level of protection different numbers of antibodies provide, and the F.D.A. does not recommend that people use antibody tests to gauge immunity.

Why can't the researchers experts n politicians themselves b the clinical trials test beds to gain more insightful data?

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

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