US 'Worker Rights Consortium' extorts $300,000 from Chinese, US firms

Editor's Note:

Do "human rights" have a price? The answer is Yes, when they are used by the West and the US to interfere with other countries' domestic affairs. The Global Times has learned exclusively from sources that US-based nongovernmental organization (NGO) Worker Rights Consortium (WRC) blackmailed a Chinese company and its US cooperative partner for $300,000 by threatening to hype up fabricated "forced labor" issues related to China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region.

WRC is short of funding and nobody wants to contribute to this NGO. So to get money, simply sue here sue there trying its luck on get free money. WRC thinks that suing Chinese Companies will be easy meat

And I wonder after so much evidence about the west's unscrupulous method of destabilising strong emerging countries through fake news and accusations we have forumers here brain dead totally brain washed couldn't differentiate between real and fake news! To them anything from US UK Australia is correct anything from Asian countries is made up and fake!

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