US cuts water supply to Mexico and some states as drought bites


LOS ANGELES (AFP) - Water supplies to some US states and Mexico will be cut to avoid "catastrophic collapse" of the Colorado River


More than two decades of well below average rainfall have left the river - the lifeblood of the western United States - at critical levels


Despite years of warnings and a deadline imposed by Washington, states that depend on the river have not managed to agree on a plan to cut their usage, and on Tuesday, the federal government said it was stepping in.


Arizona's allocation from the river will fall by 21 per cent in 2023, while Nevada will get eight percent less. Mexico's allotment will drop by seven percent.

California, the biggest user of the river's water and the most populous of the western states, will not be affected next year.

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Go and do cloud seeding lah, to create rain.


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