5BX ritual replaced by new exercises to improve mobility, reduce injuries

For decades, Singapore Army soldiers have done five basic exercises (5BX)- jumping jacks, the high jumper, crunches, push-ups and running- as part of their morning routine to warm up their bodies.

But no longer, as the 5BX ritual has been replaced with stretching and strengthening drills meant to improve mobility and flexibility, as well as reduce common injuries faced by soldiers in the knees, ankles and back.

The change in exercise regimen is part of a recent review by the army to help soldiers train, sleep and eat better.

In place of 5BX are rehabilitation exercise(PX), approved for army-wide use since April after a successful trail in the Officer Cadet School (OCS) in 2018 and 2019.

Now, mountain climbers, forward lunges, alternate arm and leg raises, among other exercises, will form the new standard....

Part of an article found in today's The New Paper

so sissy.....now a days do NS is like GO HOLIDAY ???

(24-11-2021, 11:56 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  so sissy.....now a days do NS is like GO HOLIDAY ???

This is good, as there will be less injuries to the ankles, knees and legs..... Clapping

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