Inside the bunga bunga sex parties that made Silvio Berlusconi a household name

Nick Squires
Tue, 13 June 2023 at 12:42 am SGT

Silvio Berlusconi was many things: media baron, prime minister, football club owner and a man of irrepressible energy who became entangled in dozens of corruption and tax fraud trials.

However, as news of his death at the age of 86 came in, there was one thing for which he will be remembered best by the average person in the street: the notorious bunga bunga sex parties that he hosted at his homes around Italy, from an elegant palazzo in Rome to a mansion in Milan and a sprawling seaside villa in Sardinia.


it came to define the bacchanalian soirées that he invited young models, actresses and escort girls to attend after the breakdown of his marriage to his second wife, Veronica Lario.

Details about the parties began to be leaked by the Italian press in 2009, when Mr Berlusconi was well into his fourth – and what turned out to be his final – term in office.

Some of the revelations beggared belief. Here was a sitting prime minister, the leader of a G7 nation and one of the biggest economies in the EU, being accused of recruiting beautiful young women to entertain him and his friends.

There were lurid details of the girls dressing up in police uniforms, performing stripteases and dancing around a statuette of Priapus, the ancient god of fertility, invariably portrayed in Greek and Roman images as having an enormous, semi-erect phallus.


The women involved included at least one pair of twins, who happily posed for Italy’s voracious weekly gossip magazines, and a half-British former dental hygienist, Nicole Minetti, who later went into local politics, apparently with Mr Berlusconi’s patronage.

For the rest of the world, it confirmed prejudices about Italy being a land of bottom-pinching lotharios with a twinkle in their eye.

But there was a darker side. Many Italians were appalled at the casual sexism and the objectification of women.

Some of the women invited to the bunga bunga parties said they were profoundly shocked by what they witnessed and complained that their names had been tarnished and their career prospects ruined.

Two 18-year-old beauty queens who asked to leave one of the gatherings were reportedly told by one of Mr Berlusconi’s associates: “If you want to go, fine, but you can forget about entering Miss Italy or becoming TV weather girls.”

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