Covid: Even mild cases affect our neurology significantly

Brain fog is also known as “executive dysfunction” and affects us in the following ways:

(1) Difficulty planning and prioritizing activities and tasks

(2) Difficulty estimating how long things will take

(3) Having to read or listen a few times to “take in” information

(4) Not being able to think of the right word, or forgetting what you wanted to say in the middle of talking

(5) Taking longer to learn new processes or activities

Interestingly, the symptoms of brain fog match many of the diagnostic criteria for Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and are also common with other neurominorities where the executive functions are compromised, such as Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Dyscalculia, Tourettes and Autism.

There might be some good reasons for your staff not to come back full throttle to a busy office, and so the planned hybrid approach is beneficial for a large number, not just the odd few. There are technological adaptations which help, such as dual screens to reduce the attentional strain of screen-switching, and text-to-speech software which aids concentration through a multi-sensory information. 

People having specific disability coaching have been found to benefit from personalized support to (a) increase their cognitive awareness and therefore cognitive capacity; (b) reduce stress; © increase their sense of their own capability and; (d) identify work pattern behaviors that buffer them from the downsides and prioritize the upsides.

I dun believe

It us just post Covid stress that a small percent of weaklings experience

Wash nose with salt water may help to reduce the impact.

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