USA : When you can't win openly, use dirty tactics!

The explosion that killed Darya Dugin is alleged to have been targeted at her father – famously called Vladimir Putin’s ‘Rasputin’ and ‘Putin’s brain’.

Alexander Dugin, 60, is said to have been the mastermind behind the Russian invasion of Ukraine. His daughter, an occult writer, has been widely known for her far-right ideology and is popularly regarded as her father’s ‘guru advisor’. Daria Dugina was included in UK sanctions lists in July this year.


(21-08-2022, 09:55 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, china economy is collapsing now!
with banks run, property price burst, top down no money now, cash flow huge issue from central to local govt, company to individual, no order & demand, cut off tie globally cause investment, fund & factories almost all moving out of china, RMB plunges, bond defaulted, reserved in huge negative, till cut rate & print RMB when globally  hike rate at fast & steep, jobless surges like no tomorrow!

why china suddenly cut rate? simple, china economy is crashing much faster now!
when globally hike rate at faster speed & much steeper rate today, only china economy crashing hard today!
comie dogs here BS & lies 7/24, china export surge but debt burst, no money now, no USD to settle bond payment, they can print RMB but not USD! can exchange USD? my foot. not in china, only in HK but HKD going to unpeg, then end of china totally! already inform here long ago, those comie supporters, go ahead to sell all your asset, listen to comie liars here & convert all your money to RMB asset, LOL LOL! your choice, brainwash also your own choice, dnt blame & complain later!


alanis=Cityhantam!! clone!!
all these moronic comie dogs & their brainless supporters here!
as above, china economy collapsing, blame who? china so useless & hopeless, crash then complain like crazy dogs! same to all comie dogs here!

china is the enemy of the world today!
china is the axis of evil now!
china bark lies non stop like comie dogs here, start covid, taiwan, HK, xinjiang, tibet, weather, trade, OBOR, steal technology, copy cat, stir shit everywhere everyday in the world, their foreign affair, colonized, subsidized trade, human right, freedom, dictatorship & ton more!

(21-08-2022, 09:25 AM)kokee Wrote:  the main brain behind putin & Ukraine war, putin right hand man, car exploded in moscow today, he escaped, his daughter died!
who still F care of putin now, putin time is number!
even russian want him to F off or xxxx!

普京的导师、入侵乌克兰的总设计师,在莫斯科遇袭,女儿挡了炸弹! 英国给俄军划定红线! 俄军前天报销了400官兵!


(21-08-2022, 12:08 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic 

Europe is a U.S. military base and their instrument - Aleksandr Dugin

(21-08-2022, 12:08 PM)kokee Wrote:  all these moronic 


Putin got to be very careful

The CIA's 638 Attempts to Assassinate Castro

The CIA's Secret Genocide in Guatemala

 Feb 27, 2022  The story of the banana republics, the United Fruit company, or the CIA intervention of the 40s and 50s are virtually impossible stories to tell correctly. They are simply too big and complicated. Mixing them together as I've done here means leaving out a vast majority of the story. A thousand unmentioned thoughts. I think, maybe, with around 3 hours or so you could start to get a basic handle on it, but I've done my best with twenty minutes. Hopefully it helps to at least start painting the picture.


(22-08-2022, 09:32 AM)kokee Wrote:  swee! the more such evil devil go holan the better for the world peace, also all the rubbish ccp china communists!
putin & all top leaders in russia panic now, russian people are furious, ton lost their family & ton more bankrupt & be beggars now!
russian life is like ant to putin dictator, they are just slavery to fight for his empire wet dream!
all these dictator in the world will end the same, whether is russia, china Iran, NK & more!
only democratic world prosperous, look around the world today!


as above, all these dogs & their master are totally useless & balless coward, cry father & mother 7/24, not true?
complain & blame non stop? real chow ah qua!
taiwan is china? my foot, got balls, go & get it, no balls, F off! everyday kpkb there for shit!
same to all comie dogs here & all their brainless supporters, sibei useless, all these morons think whole world belong to china in their wet dream but totally no power & strength & get them & want people give to them for free? if not, whole world owe them? knn, all these real beggars! LOL LOL!

(22-08-2022, 10:22 AM)kokee Wrote:  as above, all these dogs & their master are totally useless & balless coward, cry father & mother 7/24, not true?
complain & blame non stop? real chow ah qua!
taiwan is china? my foot, got balls, go & get it, no balls, F off! everyday kpkb there for shit!
same to all comie dogs here & all their brainless supporters, sibei useless, all these morons think whole world belong to china in their wet dream but totally no power & strength & get them & want people give to them for free? if not, whole world owe them? knn, all these real beggars! LOL LOL!
[Image: 10630854-0-BD1-4-D58-A5-FC-6-D5-B91-F413-ED.jpg]

[Image: 578-FFC6-E-4-F39-41-CA-9188-743530-AC0515.jpg]

Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

And nearer to Singapore...

CIA Archives: Secrets of Espionage: Allen Dulles on the Overthrow of Governments by the U.S. (1965)

烏克蘭女特工被爆已“死亡” 行刺普京導師杜金美中情局參與行動烏女特工使用哈薩克斯坦護照入境 英國軍情六處正在製造輿論為基輔洗白 烏軍砲擊扎波羅熱核電站核燃料儲存設施製造“髒彈”



R u saying Assmerica killed Putin‘s brain? Y. Russian security so lousy 1?


This was done from time immemorial.

Also practice here

8Umbrella Umbrella

Between 2010 and 2012, four Iranian nuclear scientists (Masoud Alimohammadi, Majid Shahriari, Darioush Rezaeinejad and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan) were assassinated, while another (Fereydoon Abbasi) was wounded in an attempted murder. In November 2020, another scientist (Mohsen Fakhrizadeh) was assassinated.

Normal if you want to win badly too..

(17-09-2022, 01:06 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Between 2010 and 2012, four Iranian nuclear scientists (Masoud Alimohammadi, Majid Shahriari, Darioush Rezaeinejad and Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan) were assassinated, while another (Fereydoon Abbasi) was wounded in an attempted murder. In November 2020, another scientist (Mohsen Fakhrizadeh) was assassinated.

Assasinated by Assmerica again? Really evil lah ha ha ha


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